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How Do I Email Receipts to SAP Concur?

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Users who have a verified email address in their SAP Concur profile are able to send their receipts to SAP Concur so that the receipts will show up in the Available Receipts section. If your company uses both our Travel and Expense products, you can have a total of five verified email addresses. For our Expense only customers, users can have three verified email addresses.


To email your receipts:

  1. Prepare an email to:
  2. Attach the receipt images. 
  3. Send the email. 
  4. Your receipts will show up in the Available Receipts section on the Manage Expenses screen.



Acceptable file types:

  • The available file formats are: .png, .jpg, ,jpeg, .pdf, .tif, or .tiff.
  • When scanning, the images should be scanned at 300 dpi or lower to reduce file size. For best results, scan or take a photo as a black and white picture with no more than 1024 x 768 image resolution.

To verify your email address:

  1. From your Travel profile, scroll to the Email Addresses section.
  2. You will see your work email address already listed on your profile.
  3. Click the Verify link. This will trigger the system to send a verification email to the inbox of the address you are verifying.
  4. Check your email inbox for an email from with the Subject Line: Email Verification.
  5. Open the email.
  6. The email will contain a verification code specific to this email address. Copy the verification code.
  7. Navigate back to the Email Addresses section of your Travel profile.
  8. You will now see a field labeled Enter Code. Paste the copied code into this field.
  9. Under Verify click OK.

Important: If your company has purchased our ExpenseIt feature and you have it activated on your profile, then any emailed receipts will appear in your Available Expenses, rather than your Available Receipts.