SAP Concur Community Rules of Engagement

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SAP Community and SAP Concur Community (herein known as the “SAP Communities”) participants should be respectful, supportive, and professional. Get to know the rules that all members should follow, as well as the actions that could lead to the removal of a member's content. 


Article 1: Participation Etiquette 

By registering and using the SAP Community and/or the SAP Concur Community, you agree that you are subject to and will comply with the terms set forth below as well as the SAP Terms of Use and/or the SAP Concur Terms of Use according to the Community used. 

Your profile, which includes your name and display name plus any other information you elect to provide, together with your SAP Community and/or SAP Concur Community activity, such as your forum posts, and blog comments, will be publicly accessible. See the SAP Privacy Statement and the SAP Concur Privacy Statement for information on how SAP or SAP Concur handles personal data. 

SAP may change or update these Rules by posting a revised version and such updates will be effective upon posting. 

  • Encourage free sharing of knowledge. 
  • Respect fellow members as human beings, along with the diversity of our members’ backgrounds, perspectives, education, and experiences. 
  • Be supportive of each other -- you were new once too. 
  • Be polite and friendly. 
  • Be tolerant and considerate. 
  • Act professionally, ethically, and with integrity. 
  • Do not behave in an abusive, demeaning, discriminatory, defamatory, or harassing manner, and refrain from abusive, obscene, or offensive language. 
  • Do not engage in personal attacks or bullying. 
  • Do not engage with or create unacceptable content (see Article 4) 

Article 2: User Profile Information 

All information provided in your SAP Community and/or SAP Concur Community profile should be accurate and current. SAP and/or SAP Concur may restrict your use of either Community if any of the information provided is found to be false or misleading. 

Article 3: Content Publication 

  • The SAP Community and the SAP Concur Community websites provide a professional network and a set of tools for connecting, sharing, and collaborating.  
  • By posting content within either the SAP or SAP Concur Community, you agree to allow anyone with access to the Communities to access the content you post. Discussions in the Communities should be related respectively to SAP or SAP Concur products, software, services, and associated technologies, unless in otherwise designated areas. 
  • Do not post material that is confidential to you or a third party. 
  • Do not post images unless you have the rights to display the imagery in this context. Do obtain consent from any person depicted in an image before posting. 
  • Do not post content that is intended to impersonate another individual or entity/company. 
  • Show proper consideration for others’ privacy, including not referencing another user’s personal information without their permission.  


  • You may post information, data and other content about talent needs, including job listings and other opportunities – in designated areas, after having received approval from a site moderator. Any such “Opportunity Posts” do not make you an employee, contractor, agent, or representative of SAP or SAP Concur, or otherwise create any employment or other legal relationship between you and SAP. SAP is not responsible for any information in any Opportunity Post and SAP is not responsible for any communications between third parties regarding the Opportunity Posts, which is the sole responsibility of you and other users. SAP does not guarantee that any Opportunity Post will fill your talent needs. You are responsible for any Opportunity Posts you create, including accuracy, validity, timeliness, completeness, reliability, quality, legality, etc. 
  • Any application for employment or engagement, or creation of an employment relationship or other engagement, is at the volition of both parties and SAP is not a party to any such engagement. Any application for employment or engagement, or creation of an employment relationship of other engagement, is at the volition of both parties and must take place outside of the SAP Community. 
  • SAP is not responsible for communications between parties who post Opportunity Posts and parties who respond to such posts. SAP is not responsible for any content in an Opportunity Post. SAP has no obligation to screen Opportunity Posts. 
  • SAP may (but has no obligation to) monitor, evaluate, alter, or remove any Opportunity Posts from any SAP Community site for any or no reason. SAP has no obligation to confirm the identity of any user who posts an Opportunity Post or any user who submits or responds to any Opportunity Posts. 

Article 4: Unacceptable Content 

There are a few contents that both the SAP Community and SAP Concur Community do not accept. The following are actions that could lead to rejection of a post, removal of your content, and potentially removal and banishment of your Community account. Please be diligent and avoid these behaviors that are defined as “Unacceptable Content.” 

  • Content that is discriminatory: Posting content that discriminates against members based on any perceived differences, including but not limited to differences in culture, race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and physical ability. Read more on SAP’s diversity values. 
  • Content that is threatening or defamatory toward any other member or toward an SAP or SAP Concur employee. 
  • Content that exposes other people’s personal information. 
  • "Rants," "slams," or legal threats against SAP, SAP Concur, or another company or competitor. 
  • Copyright infringement: The SAP and SAP Concur Terms of Use require that all content submitted to The Communities be original content created by the author or reproduced with the permission of the copyright owner. 
  • Partner promotion, advertising, or poaching is banned from all forums and articles. 
  • Personally identifying, confidential, or private information (e.g., e-mail, phone number, userID, address) of either you or your company. 
  • Content or comments primarily designed to drive traffic to, increase the search rankings of, generate revenue from, or gain any other personal benefit from a non-SAP site, product, or service. 
  • Posts that are of duplicate content, whether from a single account or across multiple accounts from the same user, within the community. Please note that syndicated or cross-posted content is allowed if the source of content is stated. 
  • SPAM – hereby defined as: irrelevant or inappropriate messages and URLs.  

Article 5: Grounds for Rejections of Posts, Content Removal, Suspension, and Deactivation of Accounts (“Moderation Actions”) 

  • SAP shall monitor SAP and SAP Concur Community sites. 

If you see anyone violating SAP Rules of Engagement or post illegal or inappropriate content, please click on the options menu at the top right of the post and then on Report Inappropriate Content. (Please see this post for instructions on how to report on the SAP Community and this post on how to report on the SAP Concur Community.) If any necessary information is missing from the Flagging Form, SAP will consider it invalid. 

SAP and SAP Concur retain the right to remove posts or content that are qualified as Unacceptable Content under these Rules of Engagement: 

  • To decline to post any content or remove any previously posted User Content in SAP or SAP Concur Community 
  • To deactivate or suspend your member account in the Communities in the case of severe or repeated violations of these Rules of Engagement 

SAP reserves the right to investigate any violation of SAP or SAP Concur Rules of Engagement and to take appropriate remedial action, including, but not limited to, suspending, restricting, or terminating any user's ability to participate in The Communities. 

In the event of abusive use of the Flagging Form (including but not limited to flag posts simply because you disagree with another user), SAP reserves the right to take appropriate actions such as suspending, restricting, or banning the user’s account. 

How SAP monitors SAP Community and SAP Concur Community sites 

When content potentially violates SAP Rules of Engagement, a human reviewer will have a look at the content. 

Our human reviewers carefully analyze the content and surrounding context to assess whether it violates these Rules of Engagement and/or the laws. 

If violations to these Rules of Engagement occur, you will be subject to the following consequences: 

  • A moderator will issue a first warning for your activity. 
  • A moderator will issue a second warning and a 24-hour suspension of your account will be implemented. 
  • A moderator will issue a third warning and a 72-hour suspension of your account will be implemented. 
  • On further violations to the Rules of Engagement after a third warning, your account will be permanently terminated and you will be banned from the SAP Community or SAP Concur Community, depending on where the violations occurred. 

In severe cases, such as spam, these warnings will be bypassed and a permanent ban and termination of your account will be enacted. 

SAP does not use automated technology or algorithmic decision-making to identify and categorize online content, in terms of final decisions. 

Internal complaint-handling system rules 

Once a Moderation Action is taken, an SAP employee will inform you and explain the available options, in particular the internal complaint-handling system that you can use in case you want a reassessment of the content. SAP may not reassess the content in the event it’s a severe violation, SAP has a strong presumption that the author of the content is a bot, you have previously breached several times the SAP Rules of Engagement, it is not feasible from a technical perspective, there is abusive use of the Flagging Form, or in other scenarios determined by SAP. 

  • SAP will respond to notices of alleged copyright infringement that comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. If you suspect your content has been copied to any SAP website without authorization, refer to SAP Copyright Information for more information about how to submit a notice.