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Support Phone Number

For Administrators and Authorized Support Contacts:
Call +1 855-895-4815 and select the Authorized Support Contact option from the menu. See more information.

For End Users:
To see what your support options are, please read: SAP Concur Support Overview.

How Can an SAP Concur Profile Be Created?

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There are two methods for creating an SAP Concur profile. Each method is described below. SAP Concur profiles can only be created if your company is already using SAP Concur.


Method 1: Your Company's Concur Site Administrator Creates Your SAP Concur Profile

This is the most common method used by our customers.

1. Your company's SAP Concur site administrator will take information from either the HR or Payroll department to set up your SAP Concur profile.

2. Once your profile is created, you should be notified via email. The email will contain your assigned username and a link to reset your password.

3. The password reset link is only good for 24 hours. After that, you will need contact those at your company that are the SAP Concur site administrators for assistance.


If you aren't sure if an SAP Concur profile has been created for you, please read Why Can't I Sign In to the SAP Concur Tool? This article contains information on retrieving your username, resetting your password, and checking to see if you have received the account creation email from SAP Concur.


Method 2: Self-Registration

First thing to know about this method is that it is available for our customers that use Concur Travel only. If your company uses Concur Expense or Concur Invoice only, you will not be able to self-register.


Secondly, this method is not used very often. Companies must enable this method and then send out email communication to all employees that provides a link for them to access and complete the self-registration process.


To Self-register:

1. Copy the registration link provided to you by your company. This will take you to the registration page.

2. Fill out all required fields. Required fields will be marked with an * (asterisk).

3. Once all fields are completed, click Submit.

4. If your registration form was filled out correctly with no errors, you will see a message confirming the account was created and to expect a follow-up email with instructions for getting signed in.


Note: Some companies require all registrations be approved. When you submit your registration, you will see a confirmation message stating that your registration has been submitted for approval and that upon approval, you will receive an email with instructions for signing in.


If there was an issue with your registration, you will see an error message letting you know which information needs to be corrected.


SAP Concur Community Profile vs. SAP Concur Profile - What Is The Difference?

Lastly, we have seen several of our community members get their community profile confused with the SAP Concur account. These are not the same. This article will help clear up any confusion by describing the differences between the two: SAP Concur Community Profile vs. SAP Concur Profile.

If Your Company is Not Already a Customer:

To learn more about how SAP Concur solutions can help connect financial data and take control of spending, check out our website at: By automating spending processes your business can run efficiently anywhere, anytime, and under any circumstances. If your company is interested in using SAP Concur, please contact our Sales Department.