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Many global companies with headquarters in the United States, Europe or Asia mainly, are unaware of the complexities they must take into account when expanding or working with their branches in Mexico. This article will help you to understand the main issues that a Mexican company would need to comply with when implementing the configuration policy for Mexico in the global entity of SAP Concur. You should always review your specific needs with your local accounting team.
The Hotel has an ISH (Impuesto Sobre Hospedaje) tax per night, Gas has the IEPS (Impuesto Especial sobre Producción y Servicios) tax and airfare has the TUA (Tarifa de Uso Aeropuerto), those are not regular % calculations but are included in the xml invoice, mainly the CFDI (Comprobante Fiscal Digital). Then the users should itemize all local expenses for this expense types and type the amounts for these taxes, the VAT can´t be calculated from the total because the total amount includes these taxes. Itemization templates can help to let know the user that they have to include it and have the VAT calculated from the remaining amount.
This is an example (always review the latest updates with your local accounting team)