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Support Phone Number

For Administrators and Authorized Support Contacts:
Call +1 855-895-4815 and select the Authorized Support Contact option from the menu. See more information.

For End Users:
To see what your support options are, please read: SAP Concur Support Overview.

I Locked Myself Out of My SAP Concur Account...What Do I Do?

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After five incorrect attempts at signing in to SAP Concur, your account will be locked out. Since you are reading this article, my guess is this may have happened to you.




The system will provide on-screen details about what options you have.


If you try to reset your password and do not receive the password reset email address, it could be because:

1. The email went to your Junk or Spam folder

2. On the Sign In screen you entered an incorrect username or an email address that is different from the email address associated to your SAP Concur account


For security reasons, the system cannot tell you if the username or email was incorrect. If you did not receive the password reset email, then it is fairly safe to say you entered incorrect information.

Reminder: Your SAP Concur Community username might not be the same as your SAP Concur username.


If you wait 24 hours and the account is still locked, then contact your site administrator. Site administrators are usually people in Finance, Accounting or Payroll/HR departments. We do not readily have this information available for our customers. If you are not sure who to contact, you should speak with your direct manager to see if they can provide some guidance.


Can I contact SAP Concur Support for a locked account?

Unfortunately, no. The only way for you as an end user to directly contact SAP Concur Support is by being signed in to your account and using the Contact Support option found under the in-product Help menu. This is why you do not see any reference in the Locked Out message telling users to contact SAP Concur Support.


Note: Contact Support is only available in the Help menu if your company has purchased our User Support Desk service.


I found a support phone number, can't I call that number for help?

True, there is a generic support phone number. However, for end users the support phone line is an automated message that tells you to check the in-product Help menu to see if Contact Support is available. Since you are locked out of your account, you won't be able to check the in-product Help.  Also, this generic support line only allows Authorized Support Contacts to get in touch directly with SAP Concur Support.