Occasional Member - Level 2

IT security - emails with a customer ending "@company.com" can be sent on behalf of Concur

Concur sends various emails to our employees, such as:
- Reporting: Sending a summary of each employee's monthly travel expenses to their manager.
- Email reminders regarding outstanding advances.
- Expense Preferences / info emails, if the status of a claim has changed

As it is becoming increasingly difficult for users to distinguish harmless from dangerous or unsolicited mails (IT-Security Topic), there is a need to ensure that only our domain "@company.com" is used for CONCUR mail communication.

We cooperate with a mail-security provider, which would allow Concur to send mails from a "@company.com" mail address.


And we received the information that other AWS customers provide this functionality. The implementation is simple and quick.


We would like you to vote for a functionality that emails with a customer ending "@company.com" can be sent on behalf of Concur.


So, if you are also interested to set up this in CONCUR, please give this post a vote/KUDO.

Super User
Super User

We have numerous issues with Concur emails not reaching users individually or for an entire entity. In one case, we are now trying to connect the entity's IT department with Concur Support to solve the issue experienced. SAP Concur must adhere to the increasing mail security measures businesses put in place. 

Super User
Super User

With reporting phishing as a company KPI it would be wonderful if we could have all emails from Concur come through a company domain. Less likely to report. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

@AH_C this community is not where you submit product enhancements. We have a program for submitting suggestions. You would need to submit there and have people vote on it. 


Please refer to this article: https://community.concur.com/t5/What-s-New-in-Product/New-CEI-Program/ba-p/27025

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

Sorry - our SAP CONCUR - Customer Success Partner has recommended that we post our request here! We need a solution for this point! ...and we are struggeling with e-mail receiption of reports after the change to AWS, we don't get an answer to set it up in secure way!

Community Manager
Community Manager

@AH_C The Customer Success Partner wasn't quite accurate in telling you to post it here as we have a program specifically for submitting enhancements. 


Here is what you'll want to do to submit an improvement request on the Influence website. Here is a link to the CIS information page with everything you need to get started- CIS Concur Training Landing Page. If you would like other customers to vote on your request, feel free to edit your post with a link to your submitted improvement request and the request id. You can post the link here on the Community to give it more visibility. 🙂

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

Hi Kevin,


I have added a solution suggestion on the influence portal.

Thanks for providing the link!




Best regards,


Routine Member - Level 3

We learned today, the functionality in Cognos 10 that enabled clients to choose the email sender (we used our internal functional mailbox) was disabled with the move to Cognos 11.  We ONLY discovered this recently when we realized our bursting communications are reflecting from "autonotification@us2-mail.concursolutions.com".  This is HUGELY problematic for us!  We heavily use bursting to manage our entire travel program on a global basis.  Our associates hit 'reply' and know the emails will be delivered to the internal functional mailbox and answered.  Without the ability for clients to select the email sender, we have NO way to route the responses to our internal mailbox.  We NEED a viable solution from Concur!!!!  This is beyond frustrating......  How many emails have we missed now?  We have had to stop our bursting communications until we have figure out a solution. 

Routine Member - Level 3

@AH_C  Please let me know if you've submitted via the channel Kevin has suggested.  I will also start advocating via my contacts to support this request.  I am aware of several clients who use bursting communications and had the 'from' setup so replies would go to their internal functional mailbox.  This was available in Cognos 10.  Our inability to use the 'from' and enter an internal email is a PROBLEM!

Occasional Member - Level 2

Hi Arntzie,


thanks for your KUDO.


You can find the solution suggestion here:




Occasional Member - Level 2

Please find my solution suggestion on the influence portal - here:

Routine Member - Level 3

Thanks for sharing the solution suggestion.  I've voted, added a comment and have several contacts who are also impacted that I'll share this with.

