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How Can I Find Articles and Common Solutions for the Concur Connector for NetSuite?

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What are the Articles in the SAP Concur Support Portal?  

Articles found in the SAP Concur Support Portal are a part of a database of articles to help our customers better understand their issues and how to resolve them. These articles contain: why an issue has occurred, what action needs to be taken to resolve the issue, and how to prevent it from occurring again.  

Knowledge base articles will be added to support cases for customers to read and further their understanding of their SAP Concur to Oracle NetSuite connectors. Errors found in support cases are the result of failures in the connector. These errors are returned from NetSuite and are typically the result of SAP Concur not matching NetSuite as the data flows unidirectionally from SAP Concur to NetSuite.

How to Search for Support Articles

Open the SAP Concur Support Portal and enter the issue in the “Ask Us Anything” search bar. Find the article matching your issue with ‘NetSuite…’ in the title. 


Common error messages

  • Error: Invalid Entity Reference Key/You cannot create an Expense Report for a terminated employee

Cause: The employee has been marked as inactive in NetSuite before all active expense reports were processed through the connector. Or the wrong internal ID from NetSuite was provided in SAP Concur.

How to Prevent: When employees are terminated, all in-flight expense reports in SAP Concur should be imported to NetSuite before the employee/vendor is marked inactive. A quarterly review of employee numbers in SAP Concur to match the NetSuite Internal ID for the employee or vendor will prevent the mismatch of data.

Article Name: NetSuite: "How do I solve "Invalid entity reference key ___" error?"


  • Error: Please Enter Value/Please select value

Cause: Fields that are required in NetSuite are not required in SAP Concur. Thus, when the connector attempts to import the expense report, it is missing a value and produces the error.

How to Prevent: Fields can be required in SAP Concur and in NetSuite. For reports to flow via the connector, the required fields in NetSuite must also be required in SAP Concur forcing a value for that field. A quarterly review of your expense report, vendor bill, journal entry, and bill payment fields in NetSuite and SAP Concur to verify all required fields in NetSuite are also required in SAP Concur will prevent this issue.

Article Name: How to resolve Please enter value(s) for: error in NetSuite Connector


  • Error: Permission Violation

Cause: The connector requires permissions to areas of your NetSuite to be able to import reports, access lists, and create bill payments. If the permissions of the Concur integration user in NetSuite are altered, it breaks the flow of the connector. This creates a permission violation when the connector tries to use a revoked permission.

How to Prevent: Do not alter the permissions of the Concur integration user in NetSuite, and, if you do, consult SAP Concur support.

Article Name: NetSuite: How do I solve "Permission Violation: The restrictions on your role deny you access to this record" error?


  • Error: The Given object could not be converted to a Native NetSuite Entity. Please check the Model to confirm you are passing the correct model. The value ___ is invalid.

Cause: The value being passed via the connector is not in the format expected by NetSuite.

How to Prevent: Verify the expected format and values of each field in your Expense Report or Vendor Bill form. 

Article Name: Customer: NetSuite: How do I solve "The Given object could not be converted to a Native NetSuite Entity. Please check the Model to confirm you are passing the correct model. The value ___ is invalid."


  • Error: Invalid _____

Possibly Effected Fields: entity, class, taxcode, location, department, customer, subsidiary, currency, expenseaccount, expensereportcurrency, postingperiod, item reference, acctcorpcardexp, account

Cause: The value provided is either incorrect or the value has been marked ‘Inactive’ in NetSuite. Values must be marked active in NetSuite to be able to post using the value, regardless of the field. NetSuite Internal IDs are used for item codes in SAP Concur as it is the most unique value in NetSuite.

How to Prevent: Verify all reports with specific values have been posted to NetSuite via the connector before marking a department, class, etc. as ‘inactive’. A quarterly review of your list values in SAP Concur and validation of whether they are NetSuite internal IDs will prevent the wrong values from being populated on reports. If employees commonly use the wrong values, consider restricting access to certain fields. If you need assistance restricting fields, contact your Client Success Manager.

Article Names: NetSuite: "How do I solve "Invalid entity reference key ___" error?"

How to resolve invalid Class error in NetSuite Connector?

NetSuite: "How do I solve "Please enter value(s) for: Account" error?


  • Error: Negative total/Transaction Not in Balance

Cause: NetSuite does not accept reports with negative totals via the connector.

How to Prevent: If you commonly have reports with negative totals, consider having a Credit Memo connector implemented to supplement your core connectors. This will ensure those reports are imported into NetSuite automatically. If reports with negative totals are not a regular occurrence, these reports can be imported manually to prevent cases from being created when the report fails.

Article Name: NetSuite: "What do I do if a report is failing for a negative total?"


  • Error: Document not found

Cause: Clients with Expense Pay by Concur have a connector for Cash expenses which imports the expense reports, and a companion connector called the ‘Payment Confirmation’ connector that triggers the payment in SAP Concur, creates a Bill Payment in NetSuite, and flips the status of the report from ‘Approved’ to ‘Paid in Full’ in NetSuite. If the Cash connector fails to import the report, the Payment Confirmation connector searches for the report in NetSuite but does not find it and produces this error.

How to Prevent: Verify all reports have the correct NetSuite internal IDs in SAP Concur during approval process to ensure the report will import when the Cash connector runs on the schedule.  

Article Name: Customer: NetSuite: How do I resolve "Document Not Found" error?


  • Error: Unexpected error

Cause: The NetSuite Internal ID is used for the identifier for fields in SAP Concur as it is the most unique value in NetSuite. If there is an alphanumeric value where a numeric value is expected the connector will fail and produce this error.

How to Prevent: A quarterly review of your SAP Concur item codes to verify they are NetSuite Internal IDs will help to keep the values matching between the systems so the correct values will flow through the connector.

Article Name: Customer: NetSuite: How do I resolve "Unexpected Error"


  • Error: This record already exists 

Cause: This report is already in NetSuite. NetSuite prevents reports from being imported more than once to prevent duplications in the GL.

How to Prevent: Do not manually import reports into NetSuite that should flow via the connector. If you do and there is a case for the report, leave a comment and let SAP Concur support know not to reprocess the report.

Article Name: Customer: NetSuite: How do I resolve "This record already exists"?


  • Error: One or more cc emails are not valid

Cause: The CC emails used in the Automatic Case Creation must be active emails.

How to Prevent: When an employee who receives case update emails is terminated or their email is deactivated for any reason, create a support case, and have their email removed to prevent any errors.

Article Name: Customer: NetSuite: How do I resolve "One or more cc emails are not valid" error?


Further Recommendations 

SAP Concur Lists

SAP Concur uses Lists to supply values for Expense Reports (under List Management in Professional platform), the values used to populate these Lists are found in NetSuite (under the appropriate section) and imported into SAP Concur manually. NetSuite Internal IDs are used as the ‘Item Code’ for each item on the List. Any time there’s manual importing of data it leaves room for errors.

To prevent errors from occurring, the SAP Concur List Import connector allows automatic updates to the Class, Customer, Customer-Project, Department (Cost Center), Location, Project lists from NetSuite to SAP Concur.  The List Import connector runs on a schedule to automatically pull new or updated data from Class, Customer, Customer-Project, Department (Cost Center), Location, Project in NetSuite, delete values found in SAP Concur but not found in NetSuite, and automatically imports it into the matching lists in SAP Concur.


SAP Concur Credits

NetSuite does not allow the connector to import reports with negative totals as Expense Reports or Vendor Bills. For clients who regularly have reports with negative totals needing to be imported into NetSuite, SAP Concur offers the Credit Memo connector. The Credit Memo connector utilizes the Credit Memo checkbox in SAP Concur to create the distinction for the connector. Reports marked as ‘Credit Memos’ get imported into NetSuite as Vendor Credits and allows us to import reports with negative totals on the schedule. If you regularly have reports with negative totals that need to be manually imported to NetSuite, talk to your Account Manager about adding a Credit Memo connector.

About This Author
I am an SAP Concur data integration consultant for the SAP Concur Financial Connector for NetSuite. I have been implementing, supporting and documenting our solution for integrating SAP Concur Expense and Invoice data to the Oracle NetSuite ERP since 2021. Outside of working hours, I enjoy playing games and music, studying programming and cooking.