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Ask Me Anything (AMA): Prepare for the NextGen UI Cutover

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If you missed the AMA, remember that you can continue the conversation with the NextGen UI label within the Expense Forum, or within the User Admin Group for our Concur Administrators!

Join us
 Wednesday, September 21, 2022 from 10am – 12pm PT to ask your questions to our in-house SAP Concur Product Experts regarding the upcoming (October 1st)  transition to NextGenUI. 


Read Ahead: Unclear on what NextGen UI is? Learn more within the Admin Resources section.


Ask Away: Questions will be answered directly on this thread, so if you won’t be available during the live AMA, comment your questions below at any time to have them answered during the event. 
Note: You must be registered to Community and signed in, in order to comment on the thread. 

No sign up needed! Ask your questions directly below.


Stay Connected: Hit "Subscribe" to get reminders for the event and notifications when answers are posted.

Occasional Member - Level 3

I recently saw something mentioning that the NextGen UI switch was moved out to 2023, could you please confirm? 

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Devanb - Thanks for your question! While we'll be holding most of our responses for the actual AMA on September 21, I wanted to clarify as I think this is critical information. Customers who have not yet fully migrated to NextGen UI, will be transitioned beginning on October 1st, 2022.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Meet the Ask Me Anything Team

We wanted to introduce you to the team of experts who will be here answering your questions during the Ask Me Anything event this coming Wednesday. 


Belinda Zinicola: belindaz

Principal Program Manager, Concur Expense

Belinda has been with Concur since 2002 as a senior program manager in the Product organization for Concur Expense.  Belinda has more than 20 years experience in the expense reporting industry working for various companies including Captura, Workflow Solutions and Boeing.

Belinda will be focusing on your questions about Concur Expense NextGen UI.


Nadia Richard: NadiaR
Senior Director Product Managements, Spend Planning & Regulatory

Nadia has been with SAP Concur for 21 years and currently leads a team in charge of Planning and Regulatory domain. Her team is defining product strategy and delivery of requirements focused on Concur Request, Travel Allowance, Budget and Funds & Grants. Nadia will be answering all questions regarding NextGen UI for Concur Request.


Marty Connell: MartyC

Senior Director Product Management, Concur Expense

Marty has been with SAP Concur for seven years and leads the product management team responsible for Concur Expense. Marty will be answering questions about NextGen UI for Concur Expense. 


Meltem Cakir: MeltemC

Product Manager

Meltem has been at SAP Concur for eight months and is Project Manager working on improving user experience for NextGen UI. She came to use from Deloitte where she worked for three years as a Senior Consultant focusing on financial services products. Meltem will be addressing questions regarding NextGen UI feature requests and roadmap items. 


Hailey Bazlen: hbazlen

Senior Specialist, Product Marketing.

Hailey has been at SAP Concur for seven years and started out as the Marketing Coordinator for TripIt from Concur. Hailey will be answering questions centered around resources available to you for NextGen UI. Resources for both Site Administrators and End Users.




Occasional Member - Level 1

I watched the 45 min webinar on NextGen and would like to know where I can find the slide deck. I would like to use some of the screen shot images but they were fuzzy - not clear in the presenation. Is there a link to the slide deck?

Community Manager
Community Manager

@StacySmith who did the presentation that you watched? 


Maybe @MeltemC or @hbazlen can provide some help for you. 🙂

SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

Hello @StacySmith, I've just uploaded the webinar pdf to the original posting. I've also linked to it below. Hopefully, this is the one you were looking for.

Frequent Member - Level 1

I today received an email from Concur titled 'What to Expect: NextGen Automatic Transition Date Beginning October 1, 2022' and it says that Concur "will be moving customers onto the new user interface on a rolling basis over a multi-day time period."


How long will this take?  I'd assumed it would be a quick change for everyone on October 1st and have advised our users that the new UI will be applied for them on that day.  I'm now wondering if I should action the transition myself the night before so I know that all of our users will be transitioned at once.

Occasional Member - Level 3

Hello, How can I join the webinar? Thanks! 

Community Manager
Community Manager

@ajmotyka - You can join simply by posting your question directly on this thread like you did above. Our product experts will be online here, answering your questions directly on this thread from 10am - 12pm PT today. Thank you!

Occasional Member - Level 2


Can Payment Type name be customized to have different colors since icons are gone in NextGen?

Occasional Member - Level 3

I did not receive the meeting invite.  Is it not a conference call/WebEx?

Occasional Member - Level 3


We pushed out the company wide preview on Monday 9/19/2022. Does Concur do the permeant roll out for all companies on Oct,1,2022 or is that something the company can do ahead of time. If the company can do the permeant change ahead of Oct,1, 2022 please provide the steps.

Thank you


Community Manager
Community Manager

@ruggierow - This event is not a webinar. Instead, it's an AMA directly on this thread. Please feel free to post your question regarding NextGen UI directly on this thread as you did above, and it will be answered by our in-house experts. Thanks!

Occasional Member - Level 1

Is there a way to confirm if you have already migrated to NexGen UI or seeing what version you are currently in somewhere in the Concur platform?


Occasional Member - Level 2


Our company moved to the NexGen UI on Sept 1st. We noticed that personal credit card upload feature is no longer available with the new UI. Is there a plan for future enhancement? Our users loved that feature.

Thank you.


Occasional Member - Level 2

In the "old" platform, we were able to tell who was next in line to approve the ER. I don't see that in the New platform. Was this removed? 

Occasional Member - Level 2

Is there an easy downloadable document I can give to my users explaining to them the changes in the new platform?

Occasional Member - Level 2

As an expense administrator, with approximately 200 users, is their a "short and simple" guide to the new UI I can provide them?  The 100+ page PDF guide I see is just too much.

Occasional Member - Level 3

Can I enable WalkMe? I thought I read support had to do so but when I submitted a case they asked what I needed help with. Is this a good training tool for NextGen UI? Thanks!

Occasional Member - Level 2

Watching the videos, I saw mention of an improvement to Travel Allowance that was only available for new clients.  Can I get more information on what these improvements would be and when they might be available to existing Concur clients? Thanks!

Occasional Member - Level 1

If we switch over to the NextGen UI prior to Oct 1st will it be on a rolling basis over multiple days or will all users change at the same time?

Occasional Member - Level 3



I've been on the new version for approx. 2 weeks and I am still struggling with the new view especially without the icons to determine what is what. If the payment type is Pending Credit Card transaction is that the itinerary and/or receipt that was imported? Once the CC imports will it automatically match up even if the amounts don't match or potentially the end-user submits a duplicate?  It looks like we have 3 line items  at times...1) an e-receipt, 2) travel itinerary and 3) CC transactions.  The icons made it easy to identify at a quick glance.  Any talk to bring back?  

Occasional Member - Level 3

Can Walk Me be turned off by the end-user if they no longer want enabled or it's all or none? 

Occasional Member - Level 2

For WalkMe, there's contact info to Concur at the bottom of the feature.  Is there any way we could change the routing so that help requests would go to the company Concur admins?  I know there's a customizable WalkMe upgrade but is it possible without the upgrade?   

Occasional Member - Level 3

Are there any changes to the mobile app with the New User Interface enablement? 

Community Manager
Community Manager


  • Click Administration drop down Click Expense (or Request) Click User Experience Settings
  • This will take them to the User Experience Settings page
  • At the bottom of the page, there is a section called Company-wide preview. Ask your customer to check if the button below that section says Revert to prior experience or Turn on the NextGen UI
  • Here is a video explaining this process
Another quick way to see this is the options directly above the expense report tiles on the main Expense page:
  • If you see a Report Library link on the right, you are on the older UI
  • If you see a View: Active Reports near the left, you are on the NextGen UI
Occasional Member - Level 1

thank you @KevinD

Community Manager
Community Manager


Good question, here is how you see the next approver:

You can find the the area that used to be called Approval Flow via the Report Timeline option under the Report Details menu.


Community Manager
Community Manager


I would recommend providing your users with a link to this user welcome page that shares high level summaries of the key enhancements! We also have email templates you can easily copy and send to your users here.

Occasional Member - Level 1

Our biggest issues are the removal of the drag and drop functionality to attach receipts to expenses and the inability to move or resize the receipt preview window when viewing receipts. Are there any plans to bring those functions back? 

Community Manager
Community Manager

@PProvensal @DeanR and @WRTC 

If you have pushed the company wide preview already, there is nothing you need to do and you have effectively moved.  Beginning Oct 1, Concur will be moving all clients to the Next Gen UI permanently and removing the ability to switch back and forth.

Occasional Member - Level 1

What if both are showing?



SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

@msellers I would recommend providing your users with a link to this user welcome page that shares high level summaries of the key enhancements! We also have email templates you can easily copy and send to your users here

SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee


Kavita – the import of a bank file with personal card transactions has been permanently deprecated by SAP Concur. 

I would encourage you to look at the online personal card integration options that can be enabled for your users.  This is done via a 3rd party named Yodlee, where within Concur Expense, the user individually authorizes Yodlee to fetch information from their bank and then presents it as available expense right on the main Expense page.  The user can then either add the transactions to a report or delete them.

SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

 @ruggierow There are not updates to the Mobile app associated with the move to Next Gen UI.  Next Gen UI is web only.  Thanks for asking!

SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

IF you see this, you are on the legacy UI:

Legacy UI.JPG

If you see this, you are on the NextGen UI:

NextGen UI.JPG

SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

@WRTC  - All users for your company will be moved at the same time.  If a users *happens* to be working on an existing report in the old UI at the time of the transition, they will continue in the old UI until they exit the application.  When they log in the next time, they will see the new UI.

Occasional Member - Level 3

I expect most of my users' questions to pop up in mid-October when their expense reports are due for September.  Will Concur have extra resources available to support admins during the month?  My usual method of figuring it out or opening a support case may not be efficient enough if several people (or specific people) have questions.

Occasional Member - Level 2

Our customer rep said that there would be a brief, three-slide tour of the new UI when employees logged in for the first time after October 1.  Can you confirm that?

Routine Member - Level 1

Hello!  Is there any estimate on when the Concur Training videos will be updated to show the new UI?  I really want to point my users to those, instead of updating allllll of my homemade documentation, but can't do that until they have the new info.  Thanks!

SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

@WRTC  -  I may have misread your question!  My apologies!  if YOU switch before, you can control whether to switch over your entire user base at one time, or do by groups.  You can take a look at these guides to help:


  • Admin transition guides (Prof edition) Expense
  • Admin transition guides (standard edition) Expense
Community Manager
Community Manager

@ruggierow most likely if the item says Pending Card Transaction, is either the itinerary item or the e-receipt. Here is an article I wrote up to help end users with Pending Card Transaction items. 


Everything You Need to Know About Pending Card Transactions

SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

 @MelissafromMD Yes this the WalkMe feature that would introduce to the users the key features and new user experience coming with NextGen

SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

 @ajmotyka WalkMe is an outstanding fit for Next Gen UI! Concur User Assistant by WalkMe can be enabled via Support ticket - please re-open the ticket and ask to have WalkMe turned on. In the very near future, this will be turned on automatically for all customers. Please note this is not available to Travel Only customers.

Occasional Member - Level 3

We have a few NextGen UI endusers that do not have access to the missing receipt declaration...does the administrator create a support ticket for this issue?


Occasional Member - Level 3

You were able to hover over the employee cards icon in the old interface and it would show you the last 4 digits of the card used and the posting date - is there a way to see this in the new UI without going into the transaction?


SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

@ruggierow  The end user cannot disable WalkMe.  It can be disabled at the country level

SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

@reedred  -  Yes, we are absolutely prepared in support for all your questions during this transition period.  We've been planning on our side too!

SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

@MelissafromMD WalkMe content cannot be customized for the free version. 

SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

@MelissafromMD I can confirm that your users will see a 3 slide tour the first time the log in under the NextGen UI, in the Concur Expense area.
You can see this in the FAQ for Expense

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