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Everything You Need to Know About Pending Card Transaction Items

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Pending Card Transaction items tend to cause a fair bit of confusion and issues for those submitting expense reports. Because the system does not allow Pending Card Transaction items to be submitted, some users are not sure what to do next. 


Below is everything you need to know and then some, about Pending Card Transaction items.


What does Pending Card Transaction even mean? 

This means the system believes you paid for your travel bookings of Airfare, Car Rental and/or Hotel and ExpenseIt items with a corporate credit card and is waiting for that transaction to upload into your Available Expenses. If the Pending Card Transaction item is not yet added to an expense report, the system should match the corporate card charge to its corresponding Pending item. 


Why are some items showing as Pending Card Transaction?

This is a system configuration set up by your company. This setting tells the system to default the payment type to Pending Card Transaction for anything that is not sourced from a corporate credit card transaction. This includes; Travel itinerary items (Airfare, Car Rental and Hotel), ExpenseIt items, and manually created (out-of-pocket) expenses. 


Why would my company choose to default the payment type to Pending Card Transaction?

This payment type is used to help prevent users with a corporate credit card from submitting their card charges as out-of-pocket expenses by mistake. Pending Card Transaction items cannot be submitted, so it forces the user to take action on the item.


What if I see a Pending Card Transaction in my Available Expenses, what should I do? 

Wait. Give the corporate card charge time to upload into the system and match to the item. Once they are matched, then add the item to your expense report. 


What if the system doesn't match the Pending Card Transaction item to its corporate card charge?

If you see a Pending Card Transaction item in your Available Expenses and you also see the corporate card charge, match them manually. Select both items from your Available Expenses, then click the Match button. Once matched, add to your expense report. If you have added the Pending Card Transaction item to a report and the corporate card charge comes in, add the card charge to the same report. The system should match them. If it doesn't, you can manually match them by selecting both items on the report, then click Match.


Can I change the Payment Type of a Pending Card Transaction item?

Yes. The Payment Type field should be active and editable. In fact, if your company has set Pending Card Transaction as the default payment type for new (non-corporate card) expenses, you will need to change the payment type for any out-of-pocket expenses you create.


What if I submitted a Pending Card Transaction as an out-of-pocket expense, but now I see the corporate card charge in Available Expenses? 

This is the million dollar question. All corporate card charges must be submitted through SAP Concur, unless your company has allowed the deletion of corporate card charges. You will need to add the corporate card charge to an expense report. When filling out the expense details, check the Personal Expense (do not reimburse) checkbox. This tells the system not to make any type of payment for this transaction since you have previously submitted the expense as out-of-pocket.

Note: If your company allows deletion of corporate card charges, you can select the card charge in Available Expenses, then click Delete. 


What if I have a Pending Card Transaction item on an expense report, but already submitted the corporate card charge?

Delete. Delete.

Delete the item off of your report. This will put it back in your Available Expenses. From there, select the item and delete it. Pending Card Transaction items do not need to be placed on an expense report. Think of them more as a reminder to wait for the corporate card charge. The corporate card charge is the most important item and is what needs to be submitted. 


Now that you know everything there is about Pending Card Transaction items, tell your friends, tell you family and especially tell your colleagues.