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Occasional Member - Level 2

Agency Booked Trips Not Showing Up in Concur Trip Library

Prior to COVID we switched to a new travel agency. Both large companies.  I typically book travel for my team in Concur directly.  Now that we're "back to normal" I noticed that the international travel I had my agency book for my team member does NOT show up in Concur trip library.  Nor do we get an email from the Agency with the "events" to populate Outlook.  I have a new Pres/GM and his EA forwarded travel requests to the Agency to book -- these are USCA flights -- none of these show up in his Trip Library.  I've also had a few VPs that I book USCA flights for that have mentioned their details are not populating (YES WE HAVE OUTLOOK SET UP RIGHT).  I danced the happy dance when I no longer had to put this stuff on calendars manually.  Please tell me there's a fix.


The Agency is telling us it's Concur. This is BEYOND frustrating.  Help.

1 Solution
Occasional Member - Level 1

We have some users that do not have any trips show up, others that that are just missing a couple of trips, BCD said there is no issue on their end, and that it is Concur. We frequently clone trips from one user to another, but it's a lottery on whether the trip is going to be in the first person's library or not. Very frustrated with this

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@tmm286 are other users experiencing this issue as well or just the ones you mentioned? Also, this issue didn't occur with your previous travel agency, correct? 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

@KevinD, other users within the company are having same issues.  NO issues with this with former agency.  The change with the new agency happened almost simultaneously with COVID so this could be a glitch that happened over two years ago, we just didn't notice until the travel uptick.  The USCA flights populating "occasionally" vs "regularly" is new.  Wondering if Outlook is also a factor.


Community Manager
Community Manager

@tmm286 thanks for clarifying. I can't say for sure the issue, but based on the information I have, the fact you are having the issue after changing TMCs would lead one to believe it is an issue with the TMC, but obviously I can't say for sure. 


Let me ask someone I know who works solely with our Travel product. 


Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

Thank you! That's what I'm thinking too -- has to be the agency -- but they're telling us no, not them.  And that they've reached out to others who are having same problem.  

Occasional Member - Level 2

@Kevin Dorsey - Any word -- this is getting QUITE frustrating.  Also, I'm taking on more people and finding lots of things Concur could "do better"  - where do we submit??

Occasional Member - Level 2

As far as things Concur could "do better", some of that is controlled by what level of program your company has purchased from SAP Concur.  It's like any other software program, it's a big box that you purchase and then fill with customized options.  I would contact the Administrators in your company with your suggestions.  They will then see if it is an option that they have that no one has shared or they will contact SAP Concur to see if it is an option that is available.  

I'm anxious to hear why trips aren't showing up in trip library.  I spoke with the travel agency we used and they tried everything to "force" it in and it wouldn't work.  They suggested contacting Concur.  And it was originally in the library until I made the last set of changes.

Occasional Member - Level 2

Thanks for your input!  I guess I didn't realize it was a "tiered" program.  I'll have to ask our Administrators.


Yes, the trips booked by the agents DID show up before and now magically they don't.  It's got to be Concur.  I'm working with our Agency now as well and they are feverishly trying to figure it out.  This is NOT a coincidence.  😉

Occasional Member - Level 2

Kevin is there a solution to this issue yet?  I'm having the same issue.  The trip was in the library, we had to make a change to the trip and it has been gone from the library for over 2 weeks now.  Our travel agency tried to "force" it back into the library.  Meaning I received an email that they had been in the booking, but it still is not showing up in Trip Library. 

And as much as I appreciate the Community, it's not very efficient and TOO SLOW.  When did SAP Concur decide it was better to try and answer questions about service through a community online?  And what they refer to as Frequently Asked Questions isn't much better.  I've been an SAP user, since it was first brought to the US in 1998 and this is the worst I've ever seen trying to find help/answers.  

Occasional Member - Level 1

We have some users that do not have any trips show up, others that that are just missing a couple of trips, BCD said there is no issue on their end, and that it is Concur. We frequently clone trips from one user to another, but it's a lottery on whether the trip is going to be in the first person's library or not. Very frustrated with this

Occasional Member - Level 2

The issue we were having has been resolved with BCD/Concur.  If you are still experiencing I can let my contact at BCD know.  He was awesome.


Occasional Member - Level 1

That would be great Tammy we are still experiencing this issue, any help to get it resolved would be greatly appreciated.



Occasional Member - Level 2

Clare -- here's what I was told.  Have your contact at BCD try this.  

We (BCD) had the incorrect format in one of the required fields that is entered into the reservation at the time of booking. That field is called the CLIQCID and it consist of four number, for some reason our ID had two zero’s in front of it, so instead of the ID just being 6953 it was 006953, once we removed the zero’s everything worked.


How the zeros got in there is a mystery because we only format the CLIQCID based on the information Concur provides us. Do have them check the required fields that are needed for the agent booked reservations to be uploaded into the travelers trip library. Everything has to be exact.


Happy gal here now!  My BCD contact is my new best friend and hero!  😉  Good luck!  Let me know if it works.

Occasional Member - Level 2

Hi Tammy, if you think your source could help that would be great.  Our Travel group is American Express Global Travel.  Thank you for offering to touch base with your contact.



Occasional Member - Level 2

Hi Barbara -- here's what my contact at BCD said -- he was a dog with a bone, wasn't gonna let this go.  


We (BCD) had the incorrect format in one of the required fields that is entered into the reservation at the time of booking. That field is called the CLIQCID and it consist of four number, for some reason our ID had two zero’s in front of it, so instead of the ID just being 6953 it was 006953, once we removed the zero’s everything worked.


How the zeros got in there is a mystery because we only format the CLIQCID based on the information Concur provides us. Do have them check the required fields that are needed for the agent booked reservations to be uploaded into the travelers trip library. Everything has to be exact.


Perhaps this happened with Amex too.  Computers do weird things!  😉   I"m doing a happy dance now.  Everything back to normal and my new best friend at BCD is magical!! And my hero!  Good luck!!