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Occasional Member - Level 2

Invoice image link options - exporting image links, integration with Dynamics GP

Hi there everyone - fairly new to the Concur Invoice world here, but we're looking for a way to find the link, or URL, or other string that we can send to another Concur user so that they can just click on that link/URL and be taken right to that invoice image.  Is this possible?


If so, it'd be a great tool for CFO's/Managers reviewing a list of invoices for payment approval, or for auditors.  Also, if this link/URL is a field available in Concur Invoice somewhere, can we add it to our Payment Extract download, so that maybe it would be able to get imported into our accounting system (Dynamics GP)?  We'd love to be able to build this without going with a full integration / full service connector like the Connects tools from Wipfli/Brittenford.  Anyone know if this possible or have tried it?




SAP Concur, Former Employee

Great question! Thanks for posting.


I am interested to hear what your fellow community members suggest. I am sure others have had a similar question. 



Ashley Bragg
SAP Concur - Community Manager

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SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

It is not possible to send a static link to a CFO or Manager for security reasons.  Anyone that could obtain that URL would be able to view the Invoice image.  Instead, what we can do is leverage web services to create a dynamic link back to the image stored in Concur.  This link is valid for maximum 30 minutes and is only accessible through a web service request.  For more details... you can read about it here: 


Pat - feel free to reach out to me directly if you have more questions. 

Occasional Member - Level 3

Along the same lines as Pat, we are new to Concur and we are doing payments via a different system, and there is no way for the managers in the payment system to easily link back to the invoices in Concur.   Assuming a link doesn't work, as asked above, is there a way to extract the actual invoice PDF when doing an extract?  Maybe a way to do it via intelligence?


If not how else can managers review Invoices without having to be logged into concur and searching for each individual invoice. 





SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

Yes, you can export images using an Image Delivery Extract.  This extract is available on our enhanced platform.  Double check with support to make sure you're on the correct platform.  If you are... support can enable this extract.  Alternatively you can export images directly through the application or using our Image API (web services). 

Occasional Member - Level 1


Is there a way of extracting the invoice/expenses URL into an excel to be able to upload it into our ERP system?

Many thanks;


Community Manager
Community Manager

@Yacine I know we have customers that upload data from Concur Invoice and Concur Expense into their ERP systems. I would suggest asking your question in the Admin Group. You are more likely to get responses there.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

I have been working on pulling Bulk Images for a reporting project and the API is very lacking. The Expense Images API v3 will tell you, you need to use v1 for reporting but v1 is deprecated so you can't create new apps with it.

" Note: This API is not designed to obtain the receipt images attached to an expense report. If you are an Enterprise Partner creating integrations that are intended to obtain final-approved Expense or Invoice data, and the accompanying receipt images that substantiate those transactions you will need to use Image v1. These scenarios include, but are not limited to: ERP integrations for financial journal entry postings, VAT reclaim integrations that obtain transactions to calculate VAT reclaim, project billing integrations used to substantiate expenses billed back, etc. "

I found this forum post this week that basically spells it out.
Simple Answer: You can't do it without asking SAP to make something special for your company.

Frequent Member - Level 2

Hi @Yacine 


Regarding standard URL field, currently it is only available under purchase request line item form and NOT available in PO line item and Invoice lien item form.


Also, as we don't have any standard field available under invoice section, I think you can still achieve this by using existing standard field which has maximum char length with either 255 or 500 char. Here we cannot use any custom field bcz it has maximum 48 char length which will be not sufficient for any URL.


I checked under Invoice header form, there is standard field available called 'Remittance Description / Notes to Vendor' which can be used to capture URL if it is not currently used for any other purpose. User can capture their URL under this field, which will be visible to all roles including approver/processor etc. however, it will not be visible as URL link as we are capturing it into text field. To view the image, approver or processor need to select URL text, right click and open in browser. (Refer below 2nd screenshot). Accessing URL is easy step, but it might need some user education, or you can add tooltip msg for field.


Now, regarding extracting this URL into SAE, as this field is also available in payment accounting extract, this URL will get extracted into SAE and then I think there will be no challenge to send it to ERP.  (Refer 3rd screenshot below)


To confirm whether this is 100% working or not, I would suggest doing 1-2 test cases first and then go for solution if it works.


Note - This is just a random thought came into my mind, hence suggesting knowing that there is no direct solution available for this.







Occasional Member - Level 2

Apologies it's taken me this long to reply, but thank you for the detailed info & the screenshots, very helpful!  I don't see the "Remittance Description" or "Notes to Vendor" at least not in my current Invoice setup views - maybe I would need support to help me "un-hide" them so they're visible on all Concur Invoices. But I do have a field called "Comments" that is currently visible and I tested that it's capable of accepting 255 & up to the 500 character limit, so maybe I can use that for the URL links to the images/PDFs?   I will test a bit further, but would it be possible then to have the system automatically past the URL for the images/PDFs into that "Comments" field, or is it something we'll have to do manually for every Invoice? 



Frequent Member - Level 2

Hi @pblake ,


Role Required - Invoice configuration administrator (unrestricted access)

Edition - Professional


To check whether Remittance Description field is already added into your existing setup report header form you can go to the forms and fields, open currently used report header form and check. 

If field is available, then double click to open field properties and check Access Rights section to update the field properties. Based on your requirement you can give either Modify or Read Only role to Invoice User, Invoice Approver and Invoice Processor role so that they can view the field. (Refer below screenshot)

If field is not added into current report header form, then you can add field using Add Field button and make it visible as explained above.



I don't see the "Remittance Description" or "Notes to Vendor" at least not in my current Invoice setup views - maybe I would need support to help me "un-hide" them so they're visible on all Concur Invoices.

Since, I don't have access to your site you might need to take your company administrator's help if they have unrestricted access or raise a support ticket or can take KevinD's help.


Regarding using comment field instead of Remittance Description field, I would recommend NOT to use it because comment field DOES NOT flow to accounting extract file. Also, there is no comment field available in SAE. You can refer to the accounting extract file and validate the same.  You will get accounting extract file in invoice deployment toolkit folder. 


it be possible then to have the system automatically past the URL for the images/PDFs into that "Comments" field, or is it something we'll have to do manually for every Invoice? 

As of now there is no functionality/feature available to automatically copy paste URL hence Invoice User need to manually copy paste the URL for every invoice. 



If this answers your query, then please mark solution as accepted.



