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New Member - Level 1

Drag and Drop Receipts to Line Level with New Interface

With the New Interface-can you still drag and drop your receipts if you are on that expense line in the report?  

Community Manager
Community Manager

@mayers the drag and drop feature is not supported in the new interface. 

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SAP Concur Community Manager
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New Member - Level 1

Awh-that was really a good feature!  That is a bummer!  

Community Manager
Community Manager

@mayers I'm not gonna lie...I liked it too. I took a day off to mourn the loss of the feature. 🙂

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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New Member - Level 1

Ok that is too funny....such a loss-oh well!

Occasional Member - Level 2

They must fix  this 

It will take forever to to complete expense reports... Maybe this is the reason they took it away?


I'm always impressed with how bad companies can update the software To a bad bad user experience



Occasional Member - Level 3

Kevin - this is terrible and one of the reasons why we haven't moved to new UI yet.  Now with the deadline approaching our early adopter user base are all asking to move back to old UI and this is one of several reasons.  Is it on the roadmap at all to bring back?

New Member - Level 2

Thanks for confirming for me SAP Concur is reducing is features and usability..  the new UI is completely negative experience for me.  instead of making my life easier it is twice as hard.  i now have to save each file to a folder and try to figure out or remember which one belongs to which expense (maybe save it with some kind of recognizable name).  what a joke.  did they even test this with users.  what took a couple of seconds to find and drag and drop to and expense line is taking minutes.  Good one Concur UI.  (that's sarcasm)  i am really frustrated and angry at this feature loss.  i want to go back to printing out and staples.    Does anybody know who the competitor of Concur is...?  

Occasional Member - Level 1

That is wonderful news! Please keep us updated😊


Community Manager
Community Manager

@TammieD believe me, we will be posting something when it is ready to go. 🙂

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SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 3

Has Concur provided a reason why drag and drop is not supported?  As someone who needs to attach hundreds of receipts to reports for multiple user accounts each month, This is going to add a substantial amount of time to my process, and I can guarantee I am going to get negative C-Suite feedback when their assistants complain about it.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@reedred I've not see anything internal explaining why it was discontinued. Usually, when we removed a feature, it is because of the amount of usage or I should say, lack of usage. But I cannot say for certain this is the case with the drag and drop. 


When it was done away with, I moved more towards the mobile app, where I can just snap a picture while on an expense line item and have the image upload right then and there. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 3

Thanks Kevin,  I have been encouraging users to do just that, but it doesn't work with the way I personally use the service.  There are a lot of emailed receipts and ones that I have to download from portals while administering for others.


Can you inquire with someone?  I really would like to hear an actual reason.  I asked about it at a Fusion event and people just looked at me like I had three heads.

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Community Manager

@reedred the person I would ask was not in office today and I'm going on PTO next week.


I really think that it was based on usage and customer feedback. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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New Member - Level 1

Like @reedred  I have to process hundreds of expenses and most receipts come through email or are downloaded from a portal.  Saving the planet, one printed receipt at a time! This is adding a great deal of time to my expense processing. Any chance this can be brought back?

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Pbennett the only way (and it is probably a long shot) this could be brought back is by our Customer Engagement Initiative. Here you can provide feedback about our products. 


Read this article about our CEI program

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SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 3

It's so nice to have know I'm not alone!


I suspect more users in the same situation will pop up as the UI change is finalized.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@reedred personally, I really liked the drag and drop. The only chance of it coming back is for our customers to join the Customer Engagement Initiative. Read about it here: CEI program

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SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 3

Kevin, that site is a nightmare.  Disappointed customers shouldn't have to navigate all of SAP to try to find a project and hope they get selected to  be able to share their input about a specific concern.

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Community Manager

@reedred I'll pass on your feedback to the my contact who works with that program. 


Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

Better yet let everybody know how they can switch back to the old July with Dragon' drop maybe that will send a message


This is doubling my time to complete the expense report who does this service??????