Occasional Member - Level 2

Employee Details Report that include the activation and/or deactivation date



Our Auditing Department is requesting a report from Concur Expense that show the employee details along with the date that the profile was created and/or deactivated. Can someone guide me please?


Thank you,


1 Solution
Frequent Member - Level 2

Hi @susankovac ,


You can follow below navigations:


Role Required - Cognos Professional Author



1. Open Cognos (Intelligence)

2. Click on Content (left side 2nd icon after 3 horizontal lines) 

3. Click on Team Content, click on New + (top right blue button) and select Report.

4. Select Blank template and click on Create button (top right blue button)

5. Click on 'select a source +' button and select Concur Data Warehouse option from the list and click Open.

6. Select List from Widget Type list and click Ok on pop-up window.

7. Now search 'employee information' in search bar (left side as shown below.) and drag and drop required columns in list (right side window). 

8. Save the report (top left beside edit option).

9. Run the report using excel or excel data option. (top left 5th icon from the edit option)

10. Done


Note - Step 7 is the short cut way of searching employee information folder from the entire database tables. If you need any other expense report related information, then you can remove 'employee information' typed in search bar and add remaining required columns from the different table.


Note - After running the report in case if you get start date (activation date) and termination date blank then you need to run 'Data Warehouse Travel Archive' job from the import/extract administrator section and run the report again so that dates will reflect in report.  Attaching article for your additional information. Refer 3rd screenshot.





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Community Manager
Community Manager

@susankovac hello there. First, how would you rate your Cognos experience on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest? 


I'm asking because if you have some Cognos knowledge, I can provide some steps that you could easily follow. Cognos isn't the most intuitive tool, so someone with no Cognos experience likely would have a difficult time following the steps I provide. 


I take it you have access to Cognos reporting, correct? Also, what other Employee Details are they asking for? 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

Hello @KevinD !

Thank you for your reply. I do have access to Cognos. My experience with Cognos is not very high...maybe a 3. I was hired as the Travel Manager and have recently been thrown into the Expense side as well so I am still learning lots... however I am a quick learner! 🙂 Any assistance would be great!


Frequent Member - Level 2

Hi @susankovac ,


You can follow below navigations:


Role Required - Cognos Professional Author



1. Open Cognos (Intelligence)

2. Click on Content (left side 2nd icon after 3 horizontal lines) 

3. Click on Team Content, click on New + (top right blue button) and select Report.

4. Select Blank template and click on Create button (top right blue button)

5. Click on 'select a source +' button and select Concur Data Warehouse option from the list and click Open.

6. Select List from Widget Type list and click Ok on pop-up window.

7. Now search 'employee information' in search bar (left side as shown below.) and drag and drop required columns in list (right side window). 

8. Save the report (top left beside edit option).

9. Run the report using excel or excel data option. (top left 5th icon from the edit option)

10. Done


Note - Step 7 is the short cut way of searching employee information folder from the entire database tables. If you need any other expense report related information, then you can remove 'employee information' typed in search bar and add remaining required columns from the different table.


Note - After running the report in case if you get start date (activation date) and termination date blank then you need to run 'Data Warehouse Travel Archive' job from the import/extract administrator section and run the report again so that dates will reflect in report.  Attaching article for your additional information. Refer 3rd screenshot.





If this answers your query, then please mark solution as accepted.



Occasional Member - Level 2

Hello @PoojaKumatkar !

Thank you so very much for your assistance. I was able to figure it out. This will also help me for other reports as well. Thank you! 🙂

Occasional Member - Level 2

Hello @PoojaKumatkar. I am now being asked this request: A report that shows users’ activities related to adding or modifying user accounts. Is this possible? 🙂

Community Manager
Community Manager

@susankovac I believe you can only see who modified a user's profile, not who created it. If you go into Cognos and start a new report, do a search for Audit Trail (Change Log). You want the folder that says Employee Audit. Here you can see the following data items to see what change was made, who made it and the date and time. 



Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

Thank you @Kevin . I found "Audit Trail (Change Log)" under "Configuration". Is this the correct spot as I do not see a folder called "Employee Audit". Am I in the wrong location?

Occasional Member - Level 2

I just noticed that I tagged the wrong person! 😞 @KevinD I found "Audit Trail (Change Log)" under "Configuration". Is this the correct spot as I do not see a folder called "Employee Audit". Am I in the wrong location? Let me know! 🙂

Community Manager
Community Manager

@susankovac you need to be in the Expense area of the data warehouse, not Configuration. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

@KevinD, thank you! I found it however it says "no date available"... 😞

Community Manager
Community Manager

@susankovac what is the name of the report and do you have a copy of it in your My Content folder? I'll try running it. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

Hello @KevinD , I do not. I am trying to create the report.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@susankovac keep me posted. Let's move this conversation to a private message. If you pm me the name of the report, I can take a look if you are still getting No Data Available. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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