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Who Me Too'd this topic

Who Me Too'd this topic

Occasional Member - Level 2

Error Code - Can't save Mileage Expense

One of my users is receiving an error code when they try to save their expenses. It started happening as he was entering mileage.

The error says:

"Sorry, but something went wrong with this task. Try refreshing the page, or sign out and sign in again.

If the problem persists, please contact you company administrator or help desk with the following incident code: 7b5b15a8-5889-48d0-8764-657995dea510"


When I act as him in Concur, I receive the message as well. He tried logging out and logging back in, but he still received the message. He also tried in a different browser and ran into the same issue. The issue started 6 days ago and hasn't gone away on its own.


Has anyone else run into this? If yes, how did you fix it?


Thank you!

Who Me Too'd this topic