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Who Me Too'd this topic

Occasional Member - Level 3

Next Gen Waiting for the source Icon (images) to re-appear Can't upgrade until then

Ha there is not forum for the Next Gen Questions. So I picked the next logical choice.

As the administrator I have been waiting for the sources icons to re appear in the Next-Gen version, I have turned it on and off several times just to see if it is there. The experience is definitly better with the next gen within the claim window . However when transactions are coming in under the manage expenses window it is really not clear what is the source ie is it coming from the credit card Co or is it a receipt that was forwarded. It is also visualy useful to see what has automatically been matched. Sorry tried to paste an image, but didn't work.

Until this piece is in there we cannot upgrade .


PS Would be nice to know when this piece is put back in the NEXT GEN version.


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