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Who Me Too'd this topic

Occasional Member - Level 1

Correctly accounting for GST in Australia

We have some transactions that are" Co-mingled" tax invoices - Tax invoice that has some transactions with PI (10 %) and some GST free (0%) resulting in a total GST amount of more than zero and less than 10 % .

For our Business Activity Statement (BAS) return we need all our P0 transactions to have zero GST and all our P1 transactions to have 10 % GST.

Presently if users pick Tax Invoice, Concur calculates 10 % GST.  Users can change to the actual GST charged , but we end up with (for example) a $ 50 invoice with only $ 1 GST because we purchased some GST free items at a supermarket

Suggested solution was to allow multiple Receipt Status on a transaction and train our users to add itemisation to these, but " Concur design, fields in itemized entry can only copy from parent entry, it's not allowed to modify even its access is modify to users."

How can we trap Tax zero (P0) and all our GST transactions (P1) @ 10 % separately so that it flows-through to out ERP (SAP S/4Hana) and populates our GST report correctly ? Does anyone else have this issue?

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