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Who Me Too'd this topic

Who Me Too'd this topic

Occasional Member - Level 1

Final Data Dump

For the past 8 years, we had 2 separate Concur instances/systems.  One for the Americas and one shared by EMEAI & APAC.  We have recently merged all countries into 1 global system; whereby EMEAI & APAC were merged into the Americas system which we now call our "global" system.  Here is the BIG issue:  We want our historical data from the EMEAI&APAC Concur system.  Concur said they would provide the data via .dat files whihc we can retrieve via MS Access.  MY IT team is not confidant that all of the data will come across successfully and has concerns. Has anyone gone thru this process?  Does it work?  Are there things we shoud be aware of?

Thanks in advance for your responses!


Who Me Too'd this topic