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Who Me Too'd this topic

Who Me Too'd this topic

Occasional Member - Level 1

Transmit Company information to Hotel for billing purposes

The Hotel invoices need to be addressed to our company (name, address) as it otherwise will not be accepted / taxation issues. Often Hotels are creating wrong invoices, either other addresses as we have several offices worldwide or the home address or they just ask for all information.

This creates extra effort and time:

1. Is there an option, that concur transmit automatically the desired billing address to the hotel? (if yes, please send a full description how to set it up correctly)

2. If Concur does not have such a valuable function: Is there a function in Concur, which can fill the "note to hotel" with a predefined text by User (e.g. setting up a billing field and in the note to Hotel it will be prefilled without interaction from user).


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