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Streamlined Process and Communications for Automatic Upgrades for new Concur Travel

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Your new Concur Travel Upgrades are more automated and streamlined than ever


With the April 2025 release, SAP Concur will transition to a more streamlined Automatic Upgrade process for customers to move to the new Concur Travel. The Automatic Upgrade approach from this point forward has the following key tenets:

  • The upgrade process will be fully automated. It will rely on existing logic and the same limitations and exclusions documentation customers and partners are familiar with.
  • Upgrades will occur at the vertical level (e.g. Air, Car, or Hotel) independently and will not require all three verticals to be available in new Concur Travel before a configuration can upgrade. If car qualifies, then it will migrate, regardless of Air or Hotel status.
  • Upgrades will be targeted by GDS for supported markets, with Sabre customers going first, on April 25, 2025.
  • Upgrade information will be provided via the SAP Concur Community site. There will not be individual customer email notifications for configurations and verticals that will be upgraded.
    • The official timeline and upgrade conditions will be sourced here, on the SAP Concur Community site. The Community site will serve as the central hub and source of truth for the Automatic Upgrade process in 2025.
  • Customer exclusions and deferral processes will remain available for unique cases where it is justified. As with prior upgrade efforts, please review the documented exclusions prior to submitting the request to ensure there is a valid business case when submitted.



Customer configurations will migrate on the posted dates unless there is a documented exclusion that will prevent the vertical(s) from doing so, or there is a high impact limitation.


If a customer configuration has enabled one of the high impact limitations listed below, then (and only then) the configuration opt-in status will determine whether a vertical will migrate. If the configuration/vertical is opted in, then the high impact limitation will be ignored. If the configuration/vertical is opted out, then the vertical(s) will not migrate until that high impact limitation is delivered.


High Impact Limitations:

  • Car Direct Bill
    • If the configuration has car direct bill enabled and the customer has opted in for Car, then they will move to the new Car experience. If they have opted out for Car, then Car will not migrate until car direct bill is delivered.
  • Ground
    • If the configuration has Ground enabled and the customer has opted in for Air/Hotel/Car (all must be opted in), then Air, Car and Hotel will migrate to the new experience. If they have opted out for any vertical, then none of the verticals will migrate until Ground is delivered.
  • User Supplied Hotels
    • If the configuration has User Supplied Hotels enabled and the customer has opted in for Air and Hotel, then both Air and Hotel will migrate to the new experience. If they have opted out for either Air or Hotel, then both Air and Hotel will not migrate until User Supplied Hotels is delivered.
  • State Government Airfare Discounts
    • If the configuration has a state government airfare discount enabled (this includes: any airline discount with a Discount Type = ATPCO Standard Passenger Type Code) and the customer has opted in for Air, then they will move to the new Air experience. If they have opted out for Air, then Air will not migrate until state government airfare discounts are delivered.
  • Custom Trip Fields powered by itinerary rules
    • If the configuration has a custom trip field powered by itinerary rules enabled and the customer has opted in for Air/Hotel/Car (all must be opted in), then Air, Car and Hotel will migrate to the new experience. If they have opted out for any vertical, then none of the verticals will migrate until custom trip field powered by itinerary rules are delivered.

Note: The TMC opt-out status will no longer apply after the published date for the targeted markets and GDS.


Key Dates


  • Air, Car, Hotel verticals (independently)
  • All supported markets excluding Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australia, and New Zealand.
  • Direct and Indirect customers


  • Air, Car, Hotel verticals (independently)
  • All supported markets excluding Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australia, and New Zealand.
  • Direct and Indirect customers


  • Air, Car, Hotel verticals (independently)
  • All supported markets excluding Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australia, and New Zealand.
  • Direct and Indirect customers


  • All Markets and All GDSs
  • Air, Car, Hotel verticals (independently)
  • Direct and Indirect customers
  • Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand and any other markets not previously included


Customer Impact

Upon the pre-determined starting date and based on eligibility, the customer configurations will be upgraded to the new Concur Travel experience by vertical, as applicable.


Where can I find more information?

We’re here to support you! Please view the following resources for a smooth transition:

For additional details and resources, please see the monthly release notes (Standard | Professional).

If you have further questions, please reach out to your SAP Concur team.

About This Author
I joined SAP Concur in 2025 after 10+ years in the travel and hospitality and the food and beverage industries in technical and customer communications roles. As a member of the Global Customer Marketing team, I'm focused on delivering content and resources that empower customers to realize the full potential of their SAP Concur solutions.