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How Do I Reconcile Credits for Fraudulent or Incorrect Charges in SAP Concur?

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A credit is a refunded transaction that shows up in SAP Concur as an expense line item with a negative amount. These appear in SAP Concur when there was an incorrect charge that took place on your company card, whether it is because of fraud or a mistake on the part of the vendor. What you should see in SAP Concur is the incorrect charge, shown as a positive amount, and the refund, shown with a negative amount. The refund comes into SAP Concur to offset the incorrect charge.


There are two scenarios that relate to submitting credits in SAP Concur.


First Scenario:

The incorrect charge and the credit have not been submitted on an expense report.

To reconcile the credit in this scenario:

  1. Open the expense report you are currently working on or start a new report.
  2. Add the credit or refund transaction to the report and the incorrect charge if it has not been added to the report yet.
  3. Add all other expenses.
  4. Provide all required receipts.
  5. Submit the report.

Note: The two transactions will offset each other and cancel one another out.


Second Scenario:

The incorrect charge was submitted on an expense report before the credit (refund) transaction uploaded into SAP Concur.

To reconcile the credit in this scenario:

  1. Open your current active expense report or start a new report.
  2. Add the credit (refund) charge to the report.
  3. Add enough other expenses so the total of these charges offsets the amount of the credit.
  4. Provide all required receipts.
  5. Submit the report.

Note: Many companies configure SAP Concur to not allow an expense report to have a negative amount or even a zero amount. In this case, you would need to add more expenses to your report until the requested amount is either at or above zero. You should receive an exception message if your company does not allow negative or zero amounts.


Things to keep in mind:

  • The steps provided here are generic steps. Your company may have its own process for handling credits and refunds.
  • It might be helpful to provide a receipt or some documentation of the credit (refund) and use the Comments field on your expense report to provide an explanation of the charge.