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Adding Attendees in the Mobile App is Simple and Helps Track Each Individual's Portion of a Charge

0 2 646

It's not uncommon during a business dinner that multiple people will be responsible for various amounts. Put down the pen, paper, and calculator, and add attendees to your report. You can add one or multiple attendees and assigns each person a dollar amount their responsible for. Concur does the math for you so you can enjoy your dessert!


See how to add attendees from your desktop

Occasional Member - Level 2

Good Morning,


When I add from the outlook calendar attendes from a meeting.
I select all attendes of one meeting (6 attendes for example) but just one attendee is added.

Can you help?


Also the option to add concur email on the meeting as attendee is not working. Attendees are not adding automatically to the expense line


Thank you for your reply

Occasional Member - Level 2

How can the user add travelling status on the mobile app?