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NextGen UI | Our New User Interface Works the Way You Think it Should

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No one likes filling out expense reports. So we made our new user interface work the way you think it should: It’s easier to use, it’s more efficient, and it’s more accessible. So it takes less time and reduces errors. We built our NextGen UI on next-generation thinking.

The features in the new UI make itemizing easier, simplify attendee additions, improve allocations. You can start familiarizing yourself with the layout and making the transition now. Download the infographic to learn the 5 things you need to know about NextGen UI.

Junior Member - Level 1

I'm m a new nextgen UI user and I I am not impressed. I use your system primarily to reconcile enormous American Express statements. The drag / drop feature was a lifesaver. On top of that I don't see any way to rearrange the columns on the expense page. I know that all of my expenses are American Express... I don't need it

 taking up 1/3 of my viewing space. Can't wait to see what else takes me twice as long when I get back into it tomorrow. Very disappointed. I believe I'm speaking for many many users. 

New Member - Level 2

I created a SAP Concur Community Account just so I could log in here and say, me and none of the field engineers like the new layout. Hopefully you can revert back. Literally 100% of my team is saying no. Thank you for listening. 

Occasional Member - Level 1

I couldn't agree more with bot the comments on here.


I too created an community account just so I could comment on the new interface, I absolutely hate it. It takes me 3 times longer to fill out my expense report now that you have removed two very usable features. The split windows for available receipts while viewing your expense, as well as the drag and drop feature was a huge time saver. Since you have removed these features from the UI it takes me three times longer to complete my report. 


Another cumbersome change is the allocate feature, You used to be able to just hit add, and it would create a new row and split the expense without having to fill in fields. Since the new UI change you now have a new window that pops up and you have to edit the field before a new entry/row is added. This definitely is a slower process than before... I use favorites, but when it's a new group it really slows the process. 


Hopefully you listen to the end user and change the interface to include some of the older more user friendly features....

Occasional Member - Level 1

Same as others here. opened a new account just to say I hate it too. I don't know it is relevant to the new UI or no but for some reason the new UI is excruciatingly slow and perhaps this is the main reason I hate it.

Occasional Member - Level 2

I also just created an account to be able to comment.  I am not impressed with the new interface nor is my team.  Change for the sake of change does not make it better. 


Header row - lock it in place so that as you slide down with the list of expenses you can utilize the buttons - "combine" "edit" etc...

Opening of new windows to enter data is slow even while on a fast connection.  I can't imagine what it will be like when I am traveling and I have a much slower connection.

Searching for an attendee on a meal - slow enough with waiting for new windows to open and you then have to change the attendee type filter to allow the system to return a result from the search.

Every change to an entry causes the whole report to reload - unnecessary delays when compared to the previous version

Attaching a receipt that was emailed in to the system is a nightmare.  I tried to attach a hotel receipt to the correct entry but the wrong one was added.  No apparent way to remove the wrong photo. 

In order to edit an entry at the bottom of the report you have to check the box and then scroll all of the way back to the top to select EDIT. 


REVERT BACK to the old interface and take the update back to the drawing board.


Very frustrating.  Lack of improvement will definitely push us to look elsewhere for a different expense reporting system.

New Member - Level 1

The new UI really not working. People already don't like fill out expense report, this new change make it even worst.

Please bring the old user interface back, the new one take us more than double of works to create expense report. 

Occasional Member - Level 2

As the EA to at SIX C-Level Executives and I support countless people on training in Concur Expenses - I am beyond frustrated with this new UI.

Did you even reach out to the EA community to test this program on them? Do you realize that the majority of people using this are not doing expenses for just themselves?

I am working with THOUSANDS of dollars in expenses. 

I can't drag and drop receipts - are you kidding me? Do you know how many hours of work you have just added to my day? Month-end is going to be an absolute nightmare for me. 

Not to mention that all the names that I have previously used have not been saved in the attendee list. Now on top of everything else, I have to add them again.

Please at least give us the opportunity to revert back to the old interface.

Listen to your users.

This is ridiculous.



Occasional Member - Level 1

@Kenzi  - I also just joined to complain on the new UI. I don't see how this will reduce time. I usually have multiple line items and having to click into each item is the worst idea.


Will concur address all the negative feedback?



New Member - Level 2

Yet another "me too" comment. This isn't a "use it and you'll get used to it" situation. It's an awful design change. Click, wait, click, wait. I shouldn't have to jump back and forth to accomplish basic tasks. I'm assuming your design team thinks this is a great UI for people to use their phones to process expense reports. It's not, and most people don't do their reports on their phones anyhow. 

SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee



Thank you everyone for your feedback and comments. We will be happy to pass this to the product team.


If you have additional feedback, I encourage you to check out our forum on this specific topic: Feedback on NextGen Expense UI. The product team is actively working to make improvements to the user experience.




Occasional Member - Level 3

We got shipped into this sh*t design without consent. I hate it. All of it. I even hate thinking about it.

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