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Hello. We recently revamped our expense type names and during the import, Per Diem's category was changed to Meals. Now, it is asking the end user with vendor description when claiming Per Diem. I cannot changed it back to Meal - Count in Daily Meal Allowance.
By the way, I am using the Standard edition. Thank you.
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@WP I don't even see the Meal - Count in Daily Meal Allowance category at all in your site. Maybe it was deactivated for some reason when you did your import.
I think you will need to submit a Help ticket to Concur Support to see if they can get it back.
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I don't see it now as well. But when I go to Legacy Experience, I can see it.
Is there a way that our Per Diem would not ask for Vendor description? Our temporary solution for this is put the vendor description to Optional. The downside is that the vendor description on every expense type on Meals and Meal - Count in Daily Meal Allowance will be optional.
Thank you.
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@WP that solution would work. Let me ask important is Vendor? Is Vendor a super important piece of information for expense reporting?