Published on ‎May 23, 2023 02:03 PM by Community Manager | Updated on ‎Jun 1, 2023 11:43 AM

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Have you heard? The SAP Fiori with Horizon visual theme is now available for you to enable for your SAP Concur solutions on the web. The SAP Fiori with Horizon visual theme on the SAP Concur mobile app is planned to be rolled out to all customers over a period of time starting June 5, 2023. 


Join us at 11am PT on Thursday, June 1 to ask your questions live on this thread and learn more from internal SAP Concur Product and Solution experts about what this change means and how you can optimize the switchover.


Haven’t heard about SAP Fiori with Horizon yet or want to learn more? Check out Fiori with Horizon in Admin Resources, or kick it off with our roadmap.


Not participated in one of our AMA’s before? Getting involved is simple. Ask your questions about SAP Fiori with Horizon at any time before June 1 by clicking “Reply” directly below, and you’ll have your question answered live in-thread on Thursday, June 1 at 11am PT. Or, sign in at our live set time to see the answers roll in.

RSVP your interest so you can add it to your calendar.

Reminder: YOU are the stars of this event. There is no audio/video event to sign into, just this thread where questions are asked by you, and answered by our SME's. So, ask your questions below at any time before or during the event time to get them answered! 

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Thu, Jun 1, 2023 11:00 AM PDT
Thu, Jun 1, 2023 12:00 PM PDT
159 Replies
Junior Member - Level 3

No, I understand that.  I guess my question is is option b there just to give more time for users to transition?

SAP Concur Employee



Yes, option B provides organizations with a way to let individual end users choose which theme they prefer, between the Concur Gateway theme, and the four SAP Fiori with Horizon themes. This option provides additional flexibility as we transition towards retiring the Concur Gateway theme. 

Hailey Bazlen
Global Product Marketing, SAP Concur
Occasional Member - Level 1

The documentation mentions that the app will be updated from June 5th onwards. Is there any expected date for the app to update, and will it update for all clients?


SAP Concur Employee

We begin rolling out after 5th June for a limited set of users; so not all clients - approx. 20% of users across the biggest SAP Concur clients. 

We will continue to monitor and track bugs / apply any fixes that maybe needed before rolling out to all clients in the June/July timeframe. 

Occasional Member - Level 1

The communication on the product update does not include that specific approach. If not all users are moved, we would get users asking on why the App looks different for a colleague and why is not the same for them. 

SAP Concur Employee

@mallan We are not moving individual users. Rich Adams meant to say clients. this sentence should read:  We begin rolling out after 5th June for a limited set of clients; so not all clients - approx. 20% of users across the biggest SAP Concur clients. 

Routine Member - Level 1

Should we notify our mobile users that they will see a new look on Monday June 5? Yes? No? - If Yes, is there a predesigned template that we can utilize to communicate this change?

Occasional Member - Level 1

Another question,

Will there be any type of pop-up when the employees log in after we enable the Fiori with Horizon theme company wide?

I didn't see anything when I changed for myself, would be interesting to see when the setting is enabled company-wide.



SAP Concur Employee

Hello LuisCastro,

On the web app side, there is no pop-up for the employees (end-users) when they log in after the Horizon themes are enabled for them company wide. Thanks!

Occasional Member - Level 1

How do I access this event?


Occasional Member - Level 3

I am also trying to figure that out.

Community Manager

@Maymie this is a forum/thread based event. It is not a webinar. If you have a question you would like to ask about Fiori with Horizon, just post here like you did previously and one of our experts will answer your question.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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New Member - Level 2

Me too, I have been trying since it started


Occasional Member - Level 3

How do you get the link to this event?

Community Manager

@cratering1 and @Cmarson this is actually the event. 🙂 It is not a webinar, but a live thread where you can post your questions about Fiori with Horizon and have them answered by our experts.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
Did this response answer your question? Be sure to select “Accept as Solution” so your fellow community members can be helped by it as well.
Occasional Member - Level 2

We are looking to update our end user  guides and have links to the concur training video End User - Using Concur Expense - English (US) - NextGen | SAP Concur Training .Will the videos be updated  to reflect the   new Fiori theme ?  

Hello @RinuShrestha - thanks for the question. We are working to update our training materials and documentation with the new visual theme. We are prioritizing updating the SAP Concur mobile app materials first since the theme will become the default setting for the mobile app soon. For web documentation, we aim to have the most popular assets updated prior to the theme becoming the default (October 2, 2023) and all assets updated prior to the Gateway theme retirement (April 2, 2024).

Occasional Member - Level 1

How do I get in to the event? It is not letting me view?


Occasional Member - Level 1

Is there a way to give myself access to this first as a admin before it is rolled out?


SAP Concur Employee

Hi  @Cmarson,

Yes, you can preview the SAP Fiori with Horizon visual theme on the web by following the instructions in the FAQ titled "Can I preview the SAP Fiori with Horizon visual theme before turning it on for my entire organization?".
Hailey Bazlen
Global Product Marketing, SAP Concur