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New Member - Level 1

Duplicate Rooms

I book multiple rooms per weekend for my staff. Usually 3 rooms for the same dates at the same hotel. I used to be able to do ALL the rooms under one name so they could all check-in together (sometimes we don't know until the last minute who is traveling and need to book in advance). I could do it this way up until about 2 months ago. 


Now, it makes me book one as myself, and two under guest names and requires a name (different than mine) to be who the reservations are for. It shows an error of "duplicate booking for this user on same dates". 


Is there any way around this? Otherwise, I'm having to book each one separately and I have to use a random employee name to book, and then call the hotel to change the employee name prior to their arrival if our staffing changes. It's a hassle honestly. Looking for a workaround.

New Member - Level 1

Is there a workaround for the above mentioned situation, I have the same problem.   

Thank you for an urgent reply. 

New Member - Level 1

I suppose since this is years later that we have no workaround, but this is something I run into often when trying to book multiple rooms for my team. Also an issue when I need to book room for interns who have no corporate card to use. I generally book my room, then call the hotel and have them add rooms for me - but this is a cumbersome issue that could be solved through Concur.