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Occasional Member - Level 2

How to map Org Unit with Legal Entity in Concur Travel (admin access)?


I'd like to know how to get Org Unit connected with Legal Entity, so far I am only able to find how to create Org Unit which is quite simple - just under the "Org Unit Admin". But as far as I know Org Unit works as the "house" to hold/ carry the user profiles, without the connection with LE how could Org Unit works as the house to map with the employees from different LEs? Could someone help me out, please?


Community Manager
Community Manager

@Lyla did you get this figured out yet? If not, could you provide a screenshot of which screen you were on when you created Org Unit, please?

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SAP Concur Community Manager
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Routine Member - Level 1

HI Kevin, Can you direct me to the documentation about how Org Unit works? I can find Nothing.

Amanda @ Carleton University

@Amandalangton just now seeing this. For future reference, if you start typing the @ symbol, then my username it will tag me and send me a notification. 


Anyway, here is what I found in our Help portal about Org Units:

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

Under Company Admin -> Manage Legal Entities -> Add Legal Entity. Fill out and save, then under Company Admin -> User Administration -> Legal Entity Assignment. Search for Users or Org Units, then using checkbox select the users (or all). Click on Assign Legal Entity, select LE from the list and click Save.


Fyi, not sure what the purpose of the LE is in terms of reporting or usage. interested to hear from others on this.



Thanks for the link and reply to @Amandalangton . I went through the docs before but can't find any mentioning on the Legal Entity setup. Could it be this was added on request from companies but not documented. Also, in Intelligence I can't find any reporting field for LE. only Org Unit ID (the nr. only)


Appreciate your additional insight.





Concur Req/Exp ACT certified, Cognos Professional Author.


@Alexander_L1 you might want to post your questions in the Admin Group so other Concur Travel admins can reply. This forum is more trafficked by end users and not site admins. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

@KevinD thank you Kevin, I'll take note and try to post in proper groups.