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Occasional Member - Level 1

Create multiple purchase orders in a single request

Does anyone know if it is possible to create multiple PO's for a supplier in a single request? Currently, if we try, we get a single PO with multiple lines, but, would like the system to generate multiple PO's with a single line of costings. IS this possible? Just looking for a way to save the time at the start of a new financial year. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

@NOCN I've posted your question internally to see if this is possible or not. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Community Manager
Community Manager

@NOCN are you asking about generating multiple POs for a purchase request or for a payment request? 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Hi Kevin, I'm asking generating muliple PO's for a Purchase Request.




Community Manager
Community Manager

@NOCN here is the answer I received: 

"this is also possible - (again depending on configuration settings) if the user places items belonging to multiple vendors in their cart before requesting the purchase request, then typically upon approval, one purchase request is created, but there could be multiple POs associated to it - one PO for each vendor on the purchase request."


Does this make sense? Sounds like there is some sort of configuration option that needs to be set up to allow this, though.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

Maybe not exactly what you asked for, but you can simply copy an existing request under your "Active Items". Select the request you would like copied, click on "Actions" --> "Copy Request". This will copy all the data and give an option to submit, saving you time.

Occasional Member - Level 1

@Manav basket random wrote:

Maybe not exactly what you asked for, but you can simply copy an existing request under your "Active Items". Select the request you would like copied, click on "Actions" --> "Copy Request". This will copy all the data and give an option to submit, saving you time.

Does this make sense? Nevertheless, it seems as though there is some kind of configuration option that needs to be set up before this can be enabled. 

New Member - Level 1

Yes, the IT people we use have created this for our business.  

New Member - Level 1

I've been trying to figure out how to make multiple POs, off the same contract and through the same vendor, at once. For example, I drag and drop the contract number to the shopping cart, fill in the needed information, then generate a batch number for that PO. I would like to be able to make it so that when I create one PO I can tell SAP to create 10 with the PO numbers and batch numbers ascending, like if I were to do it one by one. It would save quite a bit of time. And then I'd also like the POs to automatically print, instead ofbeing sent to my email and me having to print each PO one by one. Is this possible? If so, please tell me how.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@woggy83 for the printing part, my guess is this isn't possible as the idea behind SAP Concur's design is to be paperless, so I think we wouldn't have an option that would be contrary to this.


As for creating multiple POs with ascending numbers, I will need to check with a colleague.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Frequent Member - Level 2

Hi @NOCN ,

There are 2 different scenarios here:

1. If purchase request is created with multiple vendors where each line associated with some unique vendor - In this case, once purchase request gets fully approved, system will automatically generate separate PO for each vendor and it will consolidate all the line items which are associated with the same vendor. 

For this, following setting needs to be enabled: 

Purchase Request workflow >> Consolidate all items on a Purchase Request for the same vendor into a single Purchase Order (enable)


2. If purchase request is created with single vendor and has multiple lines - In this case, by default system will generate only single PO. However, if you want system to generate separate PO for each line then following can be the workaround:

i. Create purchase request and add single line item and submit.

ii. Copy existing submitted purchase request (active items - use copy functionality), do the necessary change in line item if needed and submit.

Likewise, you can repeat step ii multiple times for all line items for which you would like to generate separate PO. 


Note - Please note that, in this case you are indirectly creating separate purchase request for each line item which will end up creating separate PO as you required. However, if you are expecting here, that system should give same PO# number on each PO then it will not happen. All PO's will get generated with some unique number here as their purchase requests are different. 


Disadvantage - Time consuming process as each PR will go through approval flow. Each PR/PO will cause cost to the company. 




