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Occasional Member - Level 2

How well does the flag for duplicate expenses catch duplicate claims?

I assume the system will flag claims that are a perfect match but what happens if someone manually enters a different date or claims a different amount?

For example submits the credit card receipt and also claims the detailed restaurant receipt on another claim.

Can anybody provide some insight into what it would catch and what it won't?



1 Solution
SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

@DonMichon Hello!  Here is the criteria that SAP Concur looks at for Duplicate Transactions:




  • The Duplicate Transaction Check audit rule will always look at the itemized lines of the expense
  • If one of the expenses are not itemized, the Duplicate Transaction Check audit rule will look at the itemized line and compare it to the duplicate parent line
  • By design, the Duplicate Transaction Check is not run against parent expenses - they are included in the scan for regular (non itemized) expenses and child expenses (itemizations), but the Exception will never be triggered for a parent entry. For an overview of the different scenarios, please see below summary (assuming that two entries have the same Expense Type, Date and Amount):  
  • Triggers on both Entries for the following combinations of Transaction Types:
REG Expense and REG Expense  
CHD Expense and CHD Expense  
CHD Expense and REG Expense
  • Triggers for only one of the Entries:
PAR Expense (triggers) and REG Expense (does not trigger)
PAR Expense (triggers) and CHD Expense (does not trigger)
  • Triggers for none of the Entries:
PAR Expense and PAR Expense

REG Expense = Expense without Itemization
CHD Expense = Itemized Entry on an Expense
PAR Expense = Expense Entry with an Itemization
Let us know if you have more questions!

Thank you,
Melanie Taufen
SAP Concur Community Moderator
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SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

@DonMichon Hello!  Here is the criteria that SAP Concur looks at for Duplicate Transactions:




  • The Duplicate Transaction Check audit rule will always look at the itemized lines of the expense
  • If one of the expenses are not itemized, the Duplicate Transaction Check audit rule will look at the itemized line and compare it to the duplicate parent line
  • By design, the Duplicate Transaction Check is not run against parent expenses - they are included in the scan for regular (non itemized) expenses and child expenses (itemizations), but the Exception will never be triggered for a parent entry. For an overview of the different scenarios, please see below summary (assuming that two entries have the same Expense Type, Date and Amount):  
  • Triggers on both Entries for the following combinations of Transaction Types:
REG Expense and REG Expense  
CHD Expense and CHD Expense  
CHD Expense and REG Expense
  • Triggers for only one of the Entries:
PAR Expense (triggers) and REG Expense (does not trigger)
PAR Expense (triggers) and CHD Expense (does not trigger)
  • Triggers for none of the Entries:
PAR Expense and PAR Expense

REG Expense = Expense without Itemization
CHD Expense = Itemized Entry on an Expense
PAR Expense = Expense Entry with an Itemization
Let us know if you have more questions!

Thank you,
Melanie Taufen
SAP Concur Community Moderator
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Hi Melanie

Is there a way to prevent same receipt being claimed by several employees? 
In other words, does the Duplicate Transaction Check audit rule only run on the claimant? 



Occasional Member - Level 1

Occasional Member - Level 2

I would like to know solution for this

Community Manager
Community Manager

@shreekarra this rule looks at the individual's expense reports and looks at the details entered, not the receipt attached.

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SAP Concur Community Manager
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Community Manager
Community Manager

@Geoff1 yes, the rule only evaluates the claimant. It does not look across a number of employees' claims.

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SAP Concur Community Manager
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SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

@Geoff1  I replied to your private message!  Let me know if we can help further 😁



Thank you,
Melanie Taufen
SAP Concur Community Moderator
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Occasional Member - Level 2


In our case, the issue arises from different reimbursement amounts. When a user purchases items in a foreign currency using a corporate credit card, the bank converts the amount using their exchange rate. However, when the user submits a cash claim, Concur converts the amount using a different exchange rate. Consequently, even though the transaction currency and amount remain the same, the reimbursement amount differs due to the varying exchange rates used. This discrepancy makes it difficult for Concur's audit rule to detect and for Concur auditors to identify duplicate (auditors only have visibility on approved/reimbursement amount), even if both transactions are submitted in the same report.


This situation can be frustrating as it is a common issue, and we end up having to recover the duplicate amounts from the user. Fortunately, our in-house post-payment analytic tools have flagged these duplicate claims by cross-checking both the transaction and reimbursement amounts. 


We have raised this issue multiple times with Concur regarding the lack of duplicate checks, but no action has been taken thus far. I have submitted an improvement request for this case and would greatly appreciate your support and votes to help enhance our processes to prevent duplicates at pre-payment stage. You can vote for the improvement request at the following link: 


Thank you for your support!

Occasional Member - Level 3

Hi all,

I need your input on an issue I've encountered. I came across duplicate expenses that were not flagged as duplicates because the amounts differed due to variations in the distances calculated by the mileage calculator. In such cases, is there an option to check the destination along with the same date?