New Member - Level 2

How are admins who work on executive's reports going to log in when 2FA is enabled?

How are admins who work on executive's reports going to log in when 2FA is enabled? You cannot register 2 devices.  Am I to ask my boss for a 6 digit code every single day? 

Frequent Member - Level 1

The delegate feature in Concur is designed for users to NOT have to share their password information with anyone else and to identify what actions in Concur were performed by another user acting as delegate versus the user themself.  Sharing credentials so multiple individuals are signing in and acting as one user is bad practice for a number of reasons.

Routine Member - Level 1

The work around is to set up your account as a delegate. Once set up you will be able to go into his account and see available receipts/expenses.concur.png

New Member - Level 2

but when acting as a delegate, you don't see the available expenses or transactions

@aliatabsinvcom actually, that isn't accurate. That would defeat the main purpose of adding a delegate. If your user acting as a delegate isn't seeing the available expenses for the person they are acting on behalf of, then either the delegation wasn't set up correctly or there is some other issue that would need to be submitted to SAP Concur Support. 


If you send me a private message with the two names, I can check the delegate set up. 

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SAP Concur Community Manager
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Hi, Kevin - I have the same issue raised by aliatabsinvcom - I have to log into my 3 executives' accounts in Concur because of the issues raised above - even as a Delegate or Administrator, I am not able to attach receipts or add card transactions.  Can you check on our settings?  Leigh-Ann (admin) / Joseph, Ryan, and Molly.  



Community Manager
Community Manager

@HISEA if you are signing in to the executives' accounts because they provided you their username and password, I cannot really provide any suggestions as we at SAP Concur would not recommend or suggest people share their username and password. That is why we have the delegate feature, so you can access someone's account without needing their credentials. 


If you cannot add card transactions or attach receipts, it might mean that they didn't set you up correctly when they added you as a delegate.  You can actually check the delegate settings on your own profile. If you sign in, go to the upper right and click the initials (if you are on our new Fiori theme). Select Profile Settings. When the settings appear, look under Expense Settings for Expense Delegates. On the delegate screen, you can use the Delegate For tab to see who has added you and what permissions they enabled for you. Give that a look. If you want to screenshot that screen and paste it here for me, that would help me help you. Be sure to blur out the full names of those that added you as a delegate. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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I wouldn't have to log into their accounts if the delegate function worked as expected.  I had to implement this workaround because there was no other way for me to prepare their reports.   Here is a screenshot of the permissions.  I don't see anything else that can be changed.  




Also, similar to aliatabsinvcom, these business cards were added via Yodlee.  These are not personal cards, they are business cards, and we were directed by SAP Concur to add them via Yodlee.  If this is a limitation with Yodlee, then what are the options here? 


This 2FA will present serious issues for processing and if a workable option is not presented, will make SAP Concur's functionality even less satisfactory than I currently find it.  


Community Manager
Community Manager

@HISEA what type of business card is it? AMEX? There is a reason I'm asking. 🙂

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SAP Concur Community Manager
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@KevinD  Nope, Bank of America Business Card (Alaska Airlines).

Community Manager
Community Manager

@HISEA Okay. Well, unfortunately the Yodlee import feature was originally created to allow users to add personal cards. This is why delegates cannot see transactions imported by Yodlee unless they are added to an expense report. All personal transactions import in and a user likely wouldn't want their delegate seeing their personal expenses. Understandably so.


I think the option to allow business cards came later, but all Yodlee transactions that are imported (except an exception for AMEX Business cards), are treated the same and shown as Cash or Out of Pocket. For this reason, even business card transactions are not visible to delegates or proxies. The system sees them as a transaction from someone's personal card. I don't know why this is.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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So if I'm understanding you, there is no solution available?  In order to facilitate the expense reports for my 3 principals, they have to be available for DFA?  Or I will have to be available for them to DFA?  You can understand why this makes this untenable for administrators, don't you?  Is there anything that can be done? 

Community Manager
Community Manager

@HISEA I'm sorry, what is DFA?


I'm asking about a possible work around idea, but not sure if it is possible. I'll let you know what I find out.


I do understand the issue it causes. I'm not sure what the level of effort is to make business card transactions imported by Yodlee to be visible. It isn't super cut and dry since we do have a third-party involved with the import.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

@KevinD DFA = 2FA (double factor authentication).  


Sorry for my frustration - it isn't directed at you, but to Concur generally.  Nothing has gone in accordance with our expectations (what we were told and sold on).  Onboarding to the platform was terrible, we couldn't get the corporate card feeds to work, the Quickbooks integration also didn't work.  And even as we have gotten some things to "kind of" work, we can't get it to completely work.     


For example, we have another corporate card that has a different credit card feed (not Yodlee) - it took us MONTHS to get that feed set up.  When it was finally set up, it turns out that we can't change the Vendor Description, which makes the reports not useable with Quickbooks, because the vendor names don't match up.  For example, vendor name in QB:  Amazon.  Vendor name imported into Concur: AMZN Mkt,, etc.  I have inquired repeatedly and Concur has told me that there is no way to change that.  I cannot imagine how that can be true.  

New Member - Level 2

I had a call with Concur Support about this and they confirmed that our account is setup correctly AND that this is a limitation of the Yodle services. I screenshotted their response a few threads up.  

Frequent Member - Level 1

That is a Yodlee limitation to protect the privacy of the individuals since they are using personal cards.  If you had a corporate credit card program then Concur delegates would be able to see all transactions, assuming the appropriate delegate permissions had been set up in Concur.

@aliatabsinvcom yes, that is correct. You didn't mention Yodlee in your original post, so I thought you were referring to corporate card transactions coming in from a credit card feed, not from Yodlee. 🙂

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

This doesnt work for me. I'm a delegate, but it's only allowing me to book travel as a delegate. Expenses and approvals are not visible.

Occasional Member - Level 1

I agree!  I've got 4 executives that I do reports for.  I'm not going to be asking them everyday for a code! Can the 2FA be disabled for us?


Occasional Member - Level 2

I'm in the same boat as you.  We implemented Concur with the expectation that this would make expense reports easier, but ever since signing up, it's been problem after problem after problem.  And now this?  I'm about ready to pull the plug and change platforms.  

Routine Member - Level 1

If you are unhappy with aspects of 2FA there are 2 improvement requests already submitted about this. Please vote for them, Improvement Request Details - 3105652FA should NOT be mandatory for Test users or Test sites - Request ID: 310565, and 

Options to authenticator app or browser extension for 2FA - Request ID: 310567 (Improvement Request Details - Request #310567)

Amanda @ Carleton University
New Member - Level 1

I sign into several manager accounts to retrieve expenses they have approved for other users.  I require access to the receipts and reporting within the manager's view. 

 When I become a delegate for all of the other employees, I can't see the same reporting/receipts that I see from the managers view.  It's much more limiting to sort/view as a delegate.  We depend on being able to both sign in for reporting functions. The only other option is for each manager to provide their code when I'm working on billing...Which is not functional in practice since we are all remote and they are travelling in different time zones. 
If they improve the delegate function views and access to reporting, then maybe this is workable, but right now, Concur has created a disaster.