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Occasional Member - Level 1

Group multiple expenses

Hi there, any way for a group of people to park their expenses to a specific event? i.e. group of five people (from different cost centres) are joining a virtual event and they've been asked to order some drinks/food for themselves and instead of submitting to five cost centres, they should combine this into "one event" and bill it to a specific cost centre. 

Been poking around on the company account and found no such function yet - appreciate all tips and methods! Thanks!!

Community Manager
Community Manager

@nickoleneveling if they have received approval from someone in authority to combine the drinks and food into a single expense, they can do so. However, if the event hasn't happened yet and the drinks and food will be purchased on someone's company credit card, then what a lot of company's do is have the most senior person pay for the all the drinks and food. That way it appears only on one card statement and the card charges will show up in only one person's SAP Concur profile so they can expense them. 


However, if each individual is purchasing their own food and drink, then they should submit the expense for themselves. 


I guess the question to you is, will one person be making all the purchases or will each attendee be purchasing their own food and drink? I'll await your reply then go from there. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

@KevinD thanks so much for getting back so quickly. In this scenario, all attendees are required to purchase their own and get it reimbursed. But instead of charging it to their own cost centre, they should charge all receipts to one event on Concur. Hence I was wondering if there is a function on Concur that allows "group expense" from various people from different department but ultimately charging their expenditure to that one single event.

@nickoleneveling unfortunately there is not a group expense, but if all of the meals need to be charged the same way, each user can use the Allocations option to charge it to the appropriate cost center. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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