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How can an admin allocate all expenses for a specific employee between 2 departments. Or how can we set up an employee to allocate all their expenses between two departments automatically without the employee being involved in the allocation.
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@nwhite there is no automatic allocation option that would split between two departments.
The only people that can adjust allocations for an employee would be:
1. That employee's delegate, if they have set one up.
2. The employee's default approver (if allowed by the site configuration)
3. An Expense Processor (if allowed by the site configuration)
If the expense are always allocated to the same two departments with the same percentage/amount split, you can save the allocation as a favorite so the next time the employee or anyone acting on behalf of the employee can just select the Favorite to allocate the expense.
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I am a delegate and am having issues setting up allocations. I see WHERE I can select another OFFICE, but once I get to the lines of business and cost center fields, I have no options. This makes me question if I even have the ability/permission to do this as a Delegate. Do the allocations need to be created by the person I'm acting on behalf of?