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Occasional Member - Level 1

Commute Mileage incorrect

When I input the postal codes for the commute distance, it does not give the quickest route available. It takes a longer route by 3 miles which affects the amount I claim. How can I set this to quickest route or change it at all please?


Can anyone help?

Community Manager
Community Manager

@LC21 I know you probably did this, but I have to ask based on your post. You said when you entered postal codes...Did you enter the full addresses for the commute or just postal codes? I know when entering waypoints for mileage and the map shows the route in blue, you can click on the route and drag it if you actually took a different route. Give that a try on the commuting route, which I believe should show in red on the map. 


Let me know if that works.

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Thanks Kevin but unfortunately it doesnt allow me to change the commute line (in red). You are correct about the blue regular mileage but it doesnt work for the commute option. Any other possible thoughts are welcome! 🙂

Community Manager
Community Manager

@LC21 your original post said, "When I input the postal codes". I wasn't sure if you only entered postal codes or did you enter the full addresses? If you only entered postal codes, you will not get the correct mileage since the system will basically look at city center to city center. Plus, you shouldn't need the postal code if you enter address and city. Google maps should find the address without the postal code. Try that.

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Thanks for the suggestion but unfortunately its still not showing the quickest route by mileage when I input the actual full address either. Its so frustrating! I have a call with a colleague today to see if there is something we can change so hopefully that works.

New Member - Level 1

Was there a resolution to this?  I have the same issue.  I am entering in the full addresses, but the mileage calculator selects a longer rut that adds 3 miles to my commute. Cannot change by dragging the red route line.

SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

The route determined (by Google - third party software), which may not be the actual route you are taking, will automatically calculate what it believes is the fastest route to your location. It is very important to know that it is not possible to drag the line on the map for "Deduct Commute Distance." The red line indicates your commute distance and cannot be moved. Only the blue line can be moved. This is by design.


Please note that the Mileage Calculator is an embedded third party functionality ran by Google; any issues with the actual calculation within this tool must be reported to Google Support.

Best wishes,

Andras Lukanecz
SAP Concur

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