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Occasional Member - Level 2

Cannot remove Corporate Card transactions that have already been paid


Your answer to SteveM was very useful.

I have the same problem, I have submitted expenses and they have been paid directly to me instead of to the corporate card company. Unfortunately I couldn't stop the claim from being paid and have therefore received the money into my bank. I have paid the Corporate card company and they have received the payment and offset my account, this was done inline with the advice received from my company .

I have followed  the advice in your answer to Steve but I cannot find  a checkbox for "Personal Expense (do not reimburse)".

I searched SAP Concur again and found the following "If the expense in question has already been reimbursed or payment has already been sent to the card provider, then the user will need to add the company card charge to a report and mark it as personal. This ensures the user will not be reimbursed or the card issuer paid twice for one transaction." 

I have also tried to do this but when I select PERSONAL I get the following message: 

"the corporate card is not for personal transactions and once the Corporate Card company have been paid I will be contacted with instructions on how to reimburse my company"

Can you please advise how i should proceed to delete these expenses?

Many thanks

Community Manager
Community Manager

@MatB from the sounds of it, it appears your company has a Company Billed/Company Paid card program. What does this mean? It means your company receives your company card statement and pays it off in its entirety. Then you are responsible to pay back the company the amount they covered. I think the money you received and paid to the card company should have been paid back to your company. Likely, your company card has received two payments and you might now have a credit. I would check your company card statement to see if that is what has happened. 


Then I suggest speaking with your direct manager about how to get the company paid pack. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2


Thanks for your answer, I'm not sure that my case is as you describe.

As I said I was paid directly to my bank in error instead of the payment being used to offset the expenses on my corporate card. I contacted my employer who instructed me to pay the Corporate card company directly. This I have done and on checking my corporate card account I now have a balance of zero.

This leaves me with 3 expenses outstanding on my concur account which I cannot clear even though they have been paid and for which I keep getting reminders for me to pay. 

Having tried to remove them using the advice I found on the forum to no avail I am now unsure of how to move forward and clear these expenses.

Occasional Member - Level 2


Thanks for your answer, I'm not sure that my case is as you describe.

As I said I was paid directly to my bank in error instead of the payment being used to offset the expenses on my corporate card. I contacted my employer who instructed me to pay the Corporate card company directly. This I have done and on checking my corporate card account I now have a balance of zero.

This leaves me with 3 expenses outstanding on my concur account which I cannot clear even though they have been paid and for which I keep getting reminders for me to pay. 

Having tried to remove them using the advice I found on the forum to no avail I am now unsure of how to move forward and clear these expenses.

New Member - Level 1

this same issue is affecting me also