Occasional Member - Level 1

Negative Amount showing for -$5.00 for safety training

I have a negative amount showing in my concur and it will not let me submit the charge due to the negative charges. I have tried following the instruction in a previous post but have not had luck in getting this resolved. 

Frequent Member - Level 1

dear @zcmeeks, depends on how is set up your Concur company system, however if you have additional transactions on the credit card, you should be able to submit also the negative one... the total value amount of credit card transactions need to be positive.

Kind Regards

Alessandro Munari
Community Manager
Community Manager

@zcmeeks most companies do not allow users to submit expense reports with an amount less than zero. You will need to wait until you have other company card transactions come in and add those to the same report as this -$5.00 charge. That way the amount of the report will be above zero.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

the issue i am having is those other transactions have already been processed and there is nothing i can do about the negative balances.  do you know of any other way this can be handled? i am receiving notifications that these transactions are 30 days old so i am worried about my card being shut off