Occasional Member - Level 1

Matching "Requested Amount with "Actual" amount of transaction

I have an expense in the amount of $273.16 which is correct but the "requested" amount shows $518.32.  How do I change the requested amount to show the actual amount of $273.16?

Community Manager
Community Manager

@badranvi I checked your SAP Concur account and it looks like you have things figured out. Is that correct?

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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New Member - Level 1

For the newbies, what is the solution?

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Nowell I would need to see the expense in question. The requested amount shouldn't be almost double of the total that shows, so I would need to see the entry. It is possible that the item in question is a travel itinerary item and the amount is the estimated amount based on the number of days and the daily rate. This would be for a car rental or hotel expense. 


If you have an example you could share via a screenshot, I could better answer the question. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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