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I inadvertently didn't use my companies temporary password when registering, now my company email address isn't linked with my company and I don't see a way to delete my account and start over. So, is there way properly align or link my account with my company using the email address that I initially registered with?
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@krhuddleston when you say registered and linking your account, what do you mean exactly? Are you referring to your SAP Concur profile or are you referring to the account you created for this Community site?
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No, the Concur account with my expense report.
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@krhuddleston okay, so I'm still not clear on what you are trying to do. I looked up your email address and found an SAP Concur profile for you. The profile has the same email that you have here on your Community profile. The username to sign in to SAP Concur is this email address as well.
When you say you don't see a way to delete your account and start over, what screen are you looking at? If you could provide a screenshot, it will help me quite a bit.
You cannot delete an SAP Concur profile, so my guess is that you are referring to the profile you created on this Community. I'm taking an educated guess here, so if you can provide me some screenshots of what you were doing, that would be great.
Often people come to this community and create a profile thinking it is the same profile for submitting expense reports, however it is not.
I'll await your reply then go from there.