Occasional Member - Level 1

Expenses Pending Approval

New User to Concur therefore I appreciate your patience


How can I view all expenses which have not yet been approved?



Community Manager
Community Manager

@ceadie Welcome to the Community. To better help you, are you talking about viewing all unapproved expense reports at your company or viewing your own unapproved expenses?


If you are talking about unapproved expenses for the company, as an Expense Processor you can login to Concur, click on Expense at the top of the screen. When the Manage Expenses screen appears, look near the top of the screen for the word Processor. Mouse over this and select Process reports. Instead of explaining further, I'll provide you a link to our training toolkit that has several resources about processing reports. Here is the link: https://www.concurtraining.com/toolkit/en/expense/administrator


Once you go to the link above, look at the bottom of the first set of topics. You'll see a little down pointing arrow. This will expand the topics. Scroll down the list. You'll see several Processor related topics. Give these a look. After you've looked at these resources, if you still have questions, let me know. One thing to remember though that is very important is that you cannot view unsubmitted expense reports from the Processor screen. 


Good luck and reach out if you have questions.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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