New Member - Level 1

Concur Refund

Hi, does anyone know how to process a refund in concur, I have one and I am getting the below exception.

This Report has a Net Credit amount of credit card transactions, please hold the credit(s) until you have credit card charges to offset.

I have submitted the claim for the item purchased before the item was returned and refunded.

Routine Member - Level 1

It sounds like an audit rule preventing negative amount to be submitted.

the message suggest to submit the refund latter when you have an expense to deduct from

the reason behind is that negative transaction will get deducted from the total amount paid to the card provider

New Member - Level 1

Do you know how to resolve?

@Gillian1984 there are two options for resolving:

1. Wait for more corporate card charges to come into Available Expenses that exceed the amount of the credit. Add all these charges to the same report. That way the total amount of the report will be a positive amount.

2. Have your site admin temporarily turn off the rule preventing the negative amount submission


I'm going to share my opinion about which of these two options you will actually use. 🙂 

You will need to probably go with option 1 as the site admin likely will not turn off the rule on a case by case basis. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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