Occasional Member - Level 1

Change more email address at the same time



I would like to know if there is a way to change/update more email address at the same time under concur profiles.


Thanks for the help in advance!

2 Solutions
Frequent Member - Level 1

dear @BDani 

You have the possibility to upload files that overwrite details of employees in the system, including email address. 

Please contact your Concur support team, and they will provide a file with details for the upload.




Kind Regards

Alessandro Munari

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@BDani within the Concur tool there is an Employee Import template that you can use to update profile information, including email addresses. If you are on our Professional Platform, go to Administration>Company>Company Admin>User Administration. At the top of this screen you will see a link that says Import Users. This will allow you to download the template. Complete the template then import it. 


If you are on our Standard platform of Concur, go to Administration>Expense Settings>User Accounts. On this screen you will see a blue button that says Import Users. Download the template, fill it out then import it. The steps for importing the template will be on the window that appears when click Import Users. Give that a try. 


P.S. I would highly recommend testing this out with only one user to make sure it works before doing a mass update.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Frequent Member - Level 1

dear @BDani 

You have the possibility to upload files that overwrite details of employees in the system, including email address. 

Please contact your Concur support team, and they will provide a file with details for the upload.




Kind Regards

Alessandro Munari
Community Manager
Community Manager

@BDani within the Concur tool there is an Employee Import template that you can use to update profile information, including email addresses. If you are on our Professional Platform, go to Administration>Company>Company Admin>User Administration. At the top of this screen you will see a link that says Import Users. This will allow you to download the template. Complete the template then import it. 


If you are on our Standard platform of Concur, go to Administration>Expense Settings>User Accounts. On this screen you will see a blue button that says Import Users. Download the template, fill it out then import it. The steps for importing the template will be on the window that appears when click Import Users. Give that a try. 


P.S. I would highly recommend testing this out with only one user to make sure it works before doing a mass update.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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New Member - Level 1

The only issue I have is it is flagging "locale"  What does this mean?


Is there a place to decipher the code, since the Setup Guide is not helpful. The error message says: An invalid value is specified in Column 'Locale'. The value must be in the following list and be the exact format shown: bg_BG, cs_CZ, da_DK, de_AT, de_CH, de_DE, de_LU, el_GR, en_AU, en_CA, en_GB, en_IE, en_IN, en_NZ, en_US, en_ZA, es_AR, es_BO, es_CL, es_CO, es_CR, es_DO, es_EC, es_ES, es_GT, es_HN, es_MX, es_NI, es_PA, es_PE, es_PR, es_PY, es_SV, es_UY, es_VE, fi_FI, fr_BE, fr_CA, fr_CH, fr_FR, fr_LU, hr_HR, hu_HU, it_CH, it_IT, ja_JP, ko_KR, lt_LT, lv_LV, nl_BE, nl_NL, no_NO, pl_PL, pt_BR, ro_RO, ru_RU, sk_SK, sv_SE, tr_TR, zh_CN, zh_HK, zh_TW

Community Manager
Community Manager

@SuTa the first two letters indicate language, the next two letters indicate the country. I would need to see the entire error to be able to assist. If you are doing an import from our template, if you could share it with me, I could take a look. 


How many different countries are your employees living in? 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Routine Member - Level 1



For the Standard Version it allows you to download the existing users so these can be amended and uploaded back into the system again after making adjustments etc.  Very useful indeed.  The download template holds all the existing users within it.


For the Professional version when I download the template its empty - shouldn't this also contain all the users currently in the system or is this something that is coming or am I looking in the wrong place ?  Seems strange that Standard is so much easier to manage Users, but Professional doesn't work the same way.


If there is a way could you advise 🙂


many thanks


Community Manager
Community Manager

@Snell as long as I have been here at SAP Concur (14 years), the Professional version never had the option for the employee import template to populate with current user profiles. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Routine Member - Level 1

Thanks Kevin, really appreciate your prompt response.


I find it odd that the premium version doesn't but the standard version does.  That was really my point I guess. Hopefully it will be a future enhancement.


Thanks again.


Occasional Member - Level 3

Hi Kevin, 


Is there a way to export the current user list? We recently changed our email addresses and I need to update 600+ profiles, I'm sure this would be accomplished more efficiently in a spreadsheet rather than going to each profile. 

Thanks for your help, 


Community Manager
Community Manager

@BEngelke only by using Cognos reporting. You could run a report that would show all users. You can run the report as Excel. You would then need to take the employee information from this report and copy and paste it into our Employee Import Template if you want to update user profiles.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 3

ahhh i hadn't even thought of using the reporting function, I was looking in the user administration section to see if I could export. I'll give it a try now. Thank you! 😊

Occasional Member - Level 2

Hello KevinD,

I'm trying to overwrite existing user email addresses and employee ID's using the Professional Platform.  I am practicing on my own profile first.  After downloading the excel template file from the User Administration page and entering in the required information, I receive an error that the file has failed because the user already exists.  

That is a true statement.  The user already exists in the system.  Which field is needed on the file to specify I want to modify an existing user,  not create a new one. 

Thank you,



@afykerud I don't think you can change the employee id with that file, you can update items such as the email address, manager, and locale but not the employee id. If you do need to update a large number of employee id's I recommend connecting with Concur and asking for instructions on how to use 320 file.

Occasional Member - Level 2

Thank you!  I appreciate  your answer.  I submitted a request with Concur support.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@afykerud I'm glad you received some very helpful information. Keep on posting your questions.  @lperez-lopez thank you so much for your reply. I hope to see more replies from you going forward. 🙂

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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