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I am confused and hoping to get help. I am a delegate for someone in Concur and when I look on the "manage expenses" tab when I am delegating for him I do not see all the items listed out at the bottom of the page that he sees. We have looked and I have full permissions so not sure why I only see 1 or 2 items under the available expenses on the manage expenses page when he sees so many more. Any suggestions on how to fix this? Thank you.
This content from the SAP Concur Community was machine translated for your convenience. SAP does not provide any guarantee regarding the correctness or completeness of this machine translated text. View original text custom.banner_survey_translated_text
@WendyV in looking at your site configuration, you have the option turned on to allow users to link their personal credit cards to their SAP Concur profile. I'm guessing this is what the user did. Transactions that have come in from personal cards cannot be viewed by delegates or anyone else other than the user. This is by system design.
I did notice that your company is using our ExpenseIt feature which will create expense entries by simply using our mobile app to take a picture of the receipt. This is a faster process than waiting for the card transactions to come in and it avoids the issue you are facing. If you can get the person you are the delegate for to use the ExpenseIt option, then this will make things easier for you. Otherwise, you have to wait for the person you are the delegate for to add the transactions from their personal card to a report.