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How Do I Report Content as Inappropriate?

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If you come across anything posted here on the Community that you feel does not belong, you can report it has inappropriate. This does include community members' usernames. 


To report a forum post or piece of content (refer to screenshots):

  1. Open the post or piece of content by clicking its title.
  2. Click the three vertical dots found in the upper-right corner of the post.
  3. From the drop-down menu, select Report Inappropriate Content.
  4. On the Report Inappropriate Content screen, select a reason from the Reason field drop-down.
  5. Enter any further description in the Details field.
  6. Click Notify Moderator.




To report a username (refer to screenshots):

  1. Click the community member’s username.
  2. Select View Profile.
  3. On the Profile screen, click the Options button on the far right.
  4. Select Report User.
  5. In the Report this user for inappropriate field, make a selection.
  6. In the Reason field, choose the most appropriate option.
  7. Click Notify Moderator.



