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New Member - Level 1

Solving the COVID puzzle and allowing travel

We are currently under an essential-travel only restriction and, like most companies, we are trying to solve the puzzle of the ever-changing requirements for COVID. Has anyone found a streamlined way to minimize corporate risk/liability while also providing a centralized way to educate travelers and managers (approvers) on the risks of travel. We direct our travelers to Interntional SOS as the "one source of truth". Yet, it continues to be very fluid and complex. Would love to hear how some companies have solved for all of this. (outside of a permissible travel policy - the challenge is the changing COVID data and education of travelers and approvers). Thank you!

New Member - Level 3

Our COVID-19 reporting is updated regularly, which provides access down to county-level case data. It includes map-based, interactive statistics for confirmed cases, total testing and current restriction levels. Our robust data allows travelers to research cases at their planned destination down to the county level, including interactive cards which allow travelers to view whether cases are improving or worsening for most global regions. You can also track changing COVID case trends for continents, countries and states. 


  • Current month reservation details and year-to-date program stats.
  • Active integration of travel reservations against COVID-19 hotspots.
    • Where they are: Current and previous week COVID-19 case data attached to active hotel stays by destination state.
    • Where they’re going: Active air tickets with arrival state COVID-19 case totals for current and previous week.
    • Where they were: Previous week’s air travel against current and previous week case totals by destination state.
    • Where they’re not: Current week air ticket cancellations with voucher status and total value.
  • Lists of active and cancelled air tickets for the current week.
  • Month-over-month travel spend and averages for air, hotel, and car.
  • Monthly agent interaction stats to gauge our performance as a partner.

Stop by our booth at Gant Travel to learn more!