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Occasional Member - Level 1

Fusion attendance

My colleague and I are considering attending the SAP Concur Fusion event in 2019.  Can anyone share what was the biggest take away from the event and if they believed it to be successful in aiding them in their roles? 


Thank you

Frequent Member - Level 1

Hi @TamyraCincala,

It is really difficult to narrow this down to one thing, so I will have to list my top three:

1. Meeting other Concur Administrators to have contacts for one-on-one questions after the conference is over.

2. The sessions that Concur offers on specific items - for me, there was one session on guest users that changed how we used that feature. Very helpful, take an many as you can!

3. I was able to meet my Concur Account Manager and ask specific questions about our set-up.

I suppose, to sum up, finding the right resources was the key for me. I would recommend Concur Fusion to anyone, but in particular to new Concur administrators. Of course, it is also nice to meet the vendors, too... The list goes on 🙂



Travel and Expense System Administrator
Community Manager
Community Manager

One thing I have heard from our customers that have attended Fusion is they really like all the networking they are able to do with other administrators to bounce ideas off one another and get good tips on how to resolve certain issues or helpful tips. Also, attendees can schedule a one hour one on one with an SAP Concur person to ask them questions and get help. 

Other than that, Fusion 2019 is in San Diego, so that's worth it right there. 🙂

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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