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Influence SAP Concur and Submit Improvement Requests

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Continuous Influence (CIS) is the program that gives you, our customer, the ability to submit Improvement Requests directly to our product teams. Since opening the program three years ago, we have used learnings and feedback to improve the process of how your ideas will be submitted, reviewed, considered, and implemented.

We have simplified your experience to 6 open sessions, or topic areas:

Customer Influence – SAP’s portal to all things product feedback

​Use the links below to access the Customer Influence website and learn more about programs.

How the program works and what to expect are detailed in the FAQ. 

FAQ  - SAP Concur CIS - Improvement Requests

SAP Customer Influence Programs Information

All Open  SAP Concur Influence Programs 


Website Profile Types- P User vs S User

SAP Concur-only administrators will have a P User Profile assigned during Influence website registration. This access allows SAP Concur administrators to participate in all SAP Concur programs on the Influence website, even though the profile description is “restricted.”

Users that are administrators for other SAP products may have an S User Profile. These administrators can participate in all SAP opportunities on the Influence website. To get an S User Profile, please contact your internal SAP product administrator.


For login issues to the Influence website, please make sure you have created your SAP Universal ID. Password resets can be done through Universal ID.

If you have any questions, please email

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