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Great time to be bidding out your travel program now that vaccinations are picking up and safety parameters seems to be more generally accepted. If you are considering taking your travel program out to bid - consider these three points - let us know if any of these points resonate with you!
1) Be conscious of your resources: Consider narrowing down your candidates by submitted a brief RFI (request for information) that focuses on your key objectives so that you can narrow down your candidates.
2) Ask for References first: Consider requesting a list of references who were particularly challenged by an issue during the pandemic. Think about it - wouldn't this give you a better sense of confidence as to how the TMC responded - or didn't ?
3) Customize your Questions: Your buiness is unique, avoid copying an RFP from previous years - times have changed, and your objectives have too. Make sure the questions you are asking are specifically focused on what you need.
Other ideas? would love to hear them...