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Occasional Member - Level 1

Wrong Name???

The system suddenly began making my hotel reservations under a different name.  It also lists a different email address associated with the other user.  The hotel I stayed in last week almost didn't let me have the room at all.  Fortunately, the credit card on file matched the one in my possession.  I have called the help line every day since returning from my trip.  No one answers or returns my calls.  Any ideas on how to get this remedied? 

Frequent Member - Level 1

Is the help line within your company? If yes, then have tried contacting the Travel management company your company books travel through (assuming you use Concur Travel to book). If the help line is not in your company, I would recommend reaching out to your Concur Administrator for assistance.

Travel and Expense System Administrator
Occasional Member - Level 1

I have called the support number every day and left messages.  The voicemail says they will return calls within 2 business hours.  It's been a week.  I'm still waiting.  

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Elyse are you by chance assigned as someone else's travel arranger? That is the only real way that your name is associated with someone else's profile. 


As @JessicaL mentioned, you might want to reach out to your travel management company and ask them what they see on your profile. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

I am not anyone's travel arranger.  Additionally, I do not even know the person that they have changed my name to.  ???

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Elyse is there any chance you can recreate the issue then take some screenshots of the process and where you see the wrong name? If so, be sure to screenshot your entire screen. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

There is not.  THis is not data that I can see on my end.  The only way I've ever seen it is on the screen & paperwork at the hotel itself.  

Routine Member - Level 2

If this is not associated with any travel arranger workflow, then check your profile in Concur and how the name appears there. By default, the booking would be for you when logged in as you. Now, it gets more complicated rapidly when you account for Agency workflows, and file finish processes. But that's the basic check you need to do. As far as support goes Concur Support can certainly help if you open a ticket in their portal but your arrangement may result in you being serviced by the agency and not Concur. Good luck.

Occasional Member - Level 1

Thanks.  Everything is good on my end.  I've had two other people inspect my data.  Everything looks in order.  Perhaps it is happening with the vendor Concur contracts with to actually make the reservations.  It has not happened with car rentals.  Only two hotels.

Routine Member - Level 2

I would have the agency check the corresponding profiles on their side. 
Meaning if employee 123 appears as Mickey Mouse in Concur...
That data is meant to synch with the Travel Agency's profile for employee 123.
So have the agency check that same profile.
Also the agency needs to be involved in this as they should know the workflow (if they ever answer you). If the agency doesn't respond to your help inquiries it seems to me that they could be a weak link here.