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New Member - Level 1

Travel Approval manager query

Hello, I am new to this community.  We have a travel policy whereby managers need to approve all travel.  I have ensured the travellers profile shows the Line Manager name but when they book travel and it automatically goes to the line manager, the line manager is unable to see it under their 'awaiting approval's tab.


When I login as a travel arranger onto their profile it is not showing either. 


I then go to the Approval queues and can see it listed so I re-assign the approval to me.


Is there a setting somewhere in the profiles that we are not using properly?


Any help would be appreciated as we are going around in circles 😞


Thank you!!

Community Manager
Community Manager

@tracywilson27 hello there. Welcome to the Community. 🙂 When the managers go to their Approvals home screen, do they see a Trips tab?



Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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