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New Member - Level 1

Email from Drum Cussac after first use of Conceur

Gestern habe ich Conceur zum ersten Mal benutzt, um eine Reise zu buchen. Danach habe ich eine Email von Drum Cussac erhalten, eine "Travel Security information", dass es meine erste Nutzung sei und ich noch mit einigen Links etwas auswählen müsse. Links in unerwarteten Mails sind immer ein Alarmsignal. Die Mail wird vom Phsing Check  mit einer Warnung versehen. Kann mir jemand sagen, was es damit auf sich hat? Ist das nun echt oder doch Spam?  


Yesterday I used Conceur for the first time to book a trip. After that I received an email from Drum Cussac, a "Travel Security information" that it was my first use and I still had to select something with some links. Links in unexpected mails are always an alarm signal. The mail comes with a warning from Phsing Check. Can anyone tell me what this is all about? Is it real or is it spam?  

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Thorsten_Rausch I would definitely be suspicious as well. I would forward this to your IT team to see what they think. I've never heard of someone receiving an email from this sender stating that it was your first time using the system. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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