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Occasional Member - Level 1

Cannot enter airport information

Hello! In the booking section I can enter the 3 digit codes of airports but when I click on search, it says "please enter airport information". Also, there is a small gearwheel in the field turning constantly. In March all worked fine but now I have no chance to book a trip.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@cstruck-ms Myself and a colleague both tried airport codes and it worked for us. Did you try typing in just the city name? Also, sometimes I noticed that the search won't start until I've clicked out of the "From" field. Then the gear started turning for me. 


If the problem persists, you may need to submit a support ticket. Sometimes too it could be the internet connection maybe having some sort of issue. We've also found that this type of issue kind of just resolves itself after a little bit of time. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

I am having the same exact issue.  I have used Concur for years and booked many tickets and the system will not look for the airport after I enter a 3 letter code. Cannot book a ticket - maybe more widespread. Can someone help? 

SAP Concur, Former Employee

Hi @Jvranches


Is this issue still going? As Kevin said, sometimes it can take a bit to "right itself." 

Chad Minnick
SAP Concur - Community Manager

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Occasional Member - Level 1

Hi Chad - Yes it is. I have reached out to my IT department for assistance and awaiting direction. I forwarded them information sent to me by our travel agent "Supported Configurations for Concur Travel and Expense Client Facing" as requested. Hoping maybe they can help me (?) Thank you for the follow-up.

New Member - Level 2

I'm having the same issue. I cannot complete the registration, and I'm trying to enter the airport code over and over and over. I need to make reservations ASAP. could you please help me out? Thanks

Occasional Member - Level 1

I have been unable to enter airport information for months.  I have to call the agent to get my flights booked every time now.  I tried by airport code, by address, by city name, by zip code...etc.  I tried different computers, different browsers...etc... 

Is anyone fixing this?

Occasional Member - Level 2

If you are using IE then switch to chrome and it will work. We have had this issue repeatedly, but switching browsers always works.

Karen Oxandale

Occasional Member - Level 1

BS. It affects all (Chrome, IE, Edge) and the problem persists. It is sporadic. I have gotten it to work.


So far I would have to say I would neither recommend Concur nor SAP to anyone I actually liked.

Occasional Member - Level 1

The airport code search tool will not pull up airport code. Knowing the airport code, i.e. ORD, DTW, etc, does not help, if you type them in the system does acknowledge it. So when you click Search you get a pop-up that says Please Enter Airport Code. 


I've tried it in Chrome and Edge, same thing. Without the airport code you cannot go any further so unable to book any flight. Very frustrating!


The comments from Support that suggest you should wait awhile and it probably sort itself out are comical.

Occasional Member - Level 1

If you've saved the site into your favorites, try deleting it, opening Concur site, log in and then give it a try. It worked for me a few months ago after I switched computers and transferred all of my favorites I had saved. 

Occasional Member - Level 1

Thank you so much @WILSONJO 


It worked for me! So happy now... Hopefully someone will see these having the issue and use your solution.

Occasional Member - Level 1

Happy to hear it worked for you @Jvranches

Occasional Member - Level 1

This is still a problem...


When an airport code or city is typed in the little gear pops up like it is going to search, but then nothing pops up like it used to - to confirm the airport.  It's been this way for me for at least two months.  


I'm using MacOS Catalina. 10.15.7

The problem happens with three different browsers.  Safari, Chrome and FireFox.

I have also tried the same using a browser on iPad and iPhone.  Safari, Chrome and Firefox are not working there either.

I have tried emptying caches and cookies, and making sure there were no popup blockers to no avail.


What does work is the concur app on an ipad or iphone.  The airport code entry field works just like it always did.  So this is my current workaround... use the concur app.


Someone mentioned submitting a ticket.  I don't see a way to do that.  Can someone point me to a link?


If anyone cares when look at this in browser debug mode, and inspect the element...  it is receiving a 401 response when trying to look up the city or code.  Here is a screen grab of the error.


Screen Region 2020-10-12 at 10.52.19.png



Occasional Member - Level 1

Support is probably right. If only I  had the luxury of taking several hours or days to get a ticket.  What a piece of .... fill in as you like (just don't expect Concur to help)

Occasional Member - Level 1

This problem still exists. How can it get elevated from a discussion forum to somebody actually looking at it?


Note, it sometimes works if you click the Find an Airport link. However, if you select Multi Segment then the Find an Airport link goes away so there is no way to proceed.


The primary purpose of this website is to find and book flights and it does not do that reliably. Why isn't this a high priority? 

Community Manager
Community Manager

I understand the frustration. I went in to the travel booking tool and typed in SEA and ORD and I was able to see available airports for each. See screenshots below. 


I know a couple people have posted they are having this issue, but I haven't seen a great number of people posting that they are experiencing the same issue. Most likely our Support team tried to replicate the issue, but if search is working for them and cannot replicate the issue, then I think the priority level isn't as high. 



Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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New Member - Level 2

Kevin, it doesn't help to know if it worked for you. It's not working for many of us. Could you please help me ASAP. I need to make reservations and I cannot input the airport code. Thanks!

Occasional Member - Level 1

Having the same issue as the original post... seems like it may be a problem with JavaScript and my IT department operating system policies (Win10), because the spinning  gear briefly pops up after making an entry, but never completes the search to match a 3 character code to the full airport name. I have even tried the pop-up window to search by city name for nearby airports, which populates the 3 character code for me but still have the same error message. Have tried IE v11.1457, Edge v85, Chrome, and Firefox. Connected and disconnected from VPN. This is not an internet connectivity issue. And the tip from another user to delete the URL from my browser favorites did not work either. 


2020-10-06 14_57_36-Clipboard.png2020-10-06 15_03_59-Clipboard.png

New Member - Level 1

I haven't booked travel for months. I had this exact problem today without ever having seen it before. Your screenshot is exactly what's happening for me. Valid 3-digit airport codes - and the system acting like it doesn't even see anything I've entered. I'll search for the airport code using the location search and it'll prompt me to pick the valid code from the list. And even that code doesn't work either. Apparently I'm unable to book any travel via PC now (I'm using Windows 7). I tried Chrome and IE. Neither works. iOS phone app was the only workaround, thankfully. My colleagues have not had this issue, which makes it even stranger. 

Occasional Member - Level 1

Try using this URL - We had a user with the same issue and when they updated the login link to the below it worked.