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Occasional Member - Level 1

Applying Unused Ticket Credits-was not automatic

How do you get credit for an unused ticket when it is not automatically applied to the itinerary?

Community Manager
Community Manager

@dedwards unused ticket fulfillment is ultimately the responsibility of your company's travel agency, so I would recommend calling them when you want to make sure a ticket credit is applied to your next booking.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

It was a system error and has been corrected. The unused tickets are now showing up on the person's page and automatically added.

Occasional Member - Level 2

What i do is, Email the CTM ticket agent and inform her to use any or all the unused tickets first before making any purchases.

Occasional Member - Level 3

Hi dedwards - can you tell me how you were able to get the unused ticket to automatically add to a new booking in Concur?  I have had tickets with Concur asking to do this and they recommend I e-mail the TMC.  Wondering if there is functionality within Concur that I am not aware of.  


Thank you,


Occasional Member - Level 2

Are there any changes to this process?  This is the most recent submission that I have been able to find.  With all the upgrades, this has to be one that was improved since the last post on this string.........I would think.

So my question is - with Professional, is there a way to prompt the travel arranger to attach an unused ticket to be used on the new purchase?

SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

@aandersongkos @Debbie-N-OK  An unused ticket credit can only be applied by the Travel Management Company (TMC) at the time of ticketing if the rule policy allows. 

I wanted to share the Unused Tickets Travel Service Guide that contains some great information about unused tickets, including the end-user experience. I hope you find this helpful. Feel free to post any additional questions.

Remember to tag me if you respond or feel free to mark this post as Solved if you don't have further questions or comments. To tag me on your response, you click the Reply button, first thing to type is @. This should bring up the username of the person you are replying to.

Thank you,
Lee-Anne Dautovic
SAP Concur Community Moderator
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